Mornings are not our friend but fortunately we have a timezone shift on our side. So we just made the first talk of the day with Marina Sirtis and LeVar Burton, followed by Gates McFadden and Michael then Brent Spiner. This gave us an envious insight into what life must have been like back on the TNG sets. We say envious because we would have loved to have been part or that comraderie. But it’s a privilege to have them share their stories with us fans.
Check out our Twitter feed for the highlights of these talks.
We then had the honour of hosting the costume contest which was actually our idea to hold quite last minute. There were so many fantastic costumes it was really hard to choose. We had three categories, most accurate, most creative and ones for kids. These were voted by the audience but it was tough, tough tough. Everyone who entered had gone to so much effort.
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The overall winners were this lovely family who were dressed as Trip, T’Pol and Naomi Wildman. The crowd loaves the fact that they had made a family effort and ohh my they looked good