Category Archives: London Film and Comic Con

London Film and Comic Con 2019

Trekkie Girls LFCC
Photo: Michael Clark

Last weekend we went to London Film and Comic at Olympia. As we say every year, it seems to get bigger each time.  We attended on the Sunday which was perfect. Whilst it was hot it wasn’t completely sweltering and the crowd size was big enough to have a good vibe without being overwhelmed.

William Shatner

The William Shatner talk was PACKED. This man does a lot of conventions and still draws in the crowds. He keeps it fresh, entertaining and humorous. Because he never stops working he always has breaking news to share with the audience. 

This time he told us he was working on a Blues album! He Is also making a documentary about making a Blues album. 

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At London Film and Comic Con last weekend we caught up with Shazad Latif (Ash Tyler and Voq from Star Trek Discovery). He was very gracious and approachable, truly wonderful with the fans and was a pleasure to talk to.

We asked him how the Section 31 series with Michelle Yeoh is progressing:

The head of the CBS said it was about 2 years down the line, so we're maybe a year and a half away but it all depends on the people. Michelle is very busy, it depends on her being free, me being free. It depends if I fit into the timeline. There's loads of things that we don't know and they have to write it. We'll know more in a year.

- Shazad Latif, 28th July LFCC

Will we be … Continue Reading ››

Voyager’s Robert Picardo in talks to appear in Star Trek: Picard

It’s a cameo that makes perfect sense and at London Film and Comic Con last weekend, Robert Picardo (The EMH and Dr Zimmerman from Star Trek Voyager) confirmed that his agent was in talks with CBS to possibly return in Season 2 of Star Trek Picard.

“I am pleased that they (CBS) have expressed interest in me. They have reached out to my agent about next season. So I’m looking forward to seeing what it is. As you know I play two characters, primarily the Doctor but also Lewis Zimmerman.”

Robert Picardo - Sunday 28th July, LFCC.

Check out the full interview here.

We sincerely hope we see Picardo in the … Continue Reading ››

Next Away Mission – London film and comic con

We'll be at London Film and Comic Con (LFCC) which runs 26 - 28th July - Olympia - London.

We say it every year but only because it's true. THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BIGGEST LFCC EVER!

There is a HUGE lineup at LFCC with some bigger names such as Martin AND Charlie Sheen, Robert Carlyle, Jason Momoa, Carrie-Anne Moss and Brendan Fraser. Those are all great reasons to go to LFCC, but we are the Trekkie Girls... we go for the Star Trek!

This year Star Trek fans are being spoiled! We have a very impressive Trek present, especially considering we're only three months away from Destination Star Trek which boasts an exclusive Star Trek lineup.

Billed to attend from Star Trek are:

Zachary … Continue Reading ››

Happy New Year and the big 5-0!

We wish you a Trektastic 2016 and what a year we have ahead of us. It's astonishing to think this TV and movie series has gripped our planets attention for half a century. It makes us feel so young!

We were going to write up a review about 2015 but like our spandex loving crewmates, we can't help but look forward into the future.

Instead, here is what we have planned and our looking forward to in 2016.


SF Ball. 5th - 7th February. Grand Harbour Hotel, SouthamptonScreen Shot 2016-01-01 at 18.56.55.png

Trek guests include Jonathan Frakes, Vaughn Armstrong and  Casey 'For Cardassia' Biggs. If you haven't already it worked it out.... That means the Enterprise Blues Band will also be performing! (Wonder if Frakes can actually play the Trombone?)

Star Trek Beyond - 22nd July

Like we did before with Star Trek … Continue Reading ››

LFCC Sunday 19th July 2015

It's that time of year again for one of our convention staples. Showmaster's London Film and Comic Con.

We've been attending these for years. It feels like that familiar family holiday we take together. But this year stands out. This year it was BIG!! There was some serious guest star pulling power happening.

We heard that it was going to be hot and that it was crazy busy (It always seems to fall on the hottest day of the year!).  We prepared ourselves mentally and physically for this away mission. Lots of water, tiny TNG skant dresses, water, we even bought new boots that were super comfy (sign that we're getting old). Armed with this and psyching ourselves up for standing around in a sweaty moshpit, we were actually relieved to find it wasn't as bad as we had imagined it to be.

London Film and Comic Con 17th -19th July

We're going back to one of our favourite events of the year London Film and Comic Con! And 'going back' is a theme this year with a Back To The Future reunion no less!

Taking place in the Olympia Hall  on  Friday 17th July, Saturday 18th and Sunday the 19th of July 2015 be sure to book your tickets fast as the ever popular show has even more wow factor this year to attract the crowds.

The  guest that has sent shockwaves through geekdom was the big announcement that Michael J Fox will be joining Christopher Lloyd, Claudia Wells, Donald Fullilove, Jeffrey Weissman and Lea Thompson for a BTTF cast reunion. You need super tickets for MJF but it's so rare, it's got to be worth it.

Showmasters have also 'obtained' (for want of a better word!) some more unique guests such as Sigorney Weaver and Neve Campbell! Amazing, how do they get … Continue Reading ››

London Film and Comic Con 2014

Showmasters always seem to be looking out for us Trekkies and if you frequent their Forums you will have seen today's announcement that Terry Farrell and Diane Muldaur will be attending next years show!

We have only seen them both once and that was quite a while ago now, and in the States. 
Terry is as popular with us fans as Dax is with the entire Alpha Quadrant. Did you see those pics of her at Las Vegas con this year dressed in the TOS mini dress for the costumed world record attempt?  What a team player!
Diane Mulder Muldaur is best known for playing the controversial and fan dividing Doctor Pulaski but all us Trekkies love the trivia quiz where we get to identify her as Dr Miranda … Continue Reading ››

London Film and Comic Con 2013

Writing a post is like entering the shuttlebay doors after a long away mission. Real life pulled us away for a while and we're a bit behind but got plenty to talk about.

Thanks to all of you who followed our tweets at LFCC, it was a fantastic event with a plentiful and enjoyable Star Trek guest lineup. 

Our highlight was the DS9 Talk which was one of the better Trek talks we have seen. Not only were the answers from the actors superb (naming specific episodes by actual title) but the questions from the audience were particularly astute and original. Well done Trekkies!

Our favourite question from the audience was to Rene Auberjonois asking "what was the liquid used for Odo's regeneration?" - never heard that one before!
Just as the audience thought Rene would never be able to answer that, he … Continue Reading ››