Category Archives: FedCon

Fedcon – TNG Cast Panel

  See our other Fedcon posts The Highlight of the Fedcon weekend for us and many others was The Next Generation talk with LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, Gates McFadden, Colm Meaney, Denise Crosby and John de Lancie. TNG talk Fedcon We're fortunate enough to have seen them together a few times now but it's always a treat. The report between them is legendary. They are friends who enjoy each others company and make each other laugh. That friendship and humour is passed on to the audience and the result is an electric atmosphere and memorable panel. We're not sure if someone had snuck a Horga'hn into LeVar's luggage or something but he had sex on the brain during that panel! The next question was from an actress in the audience who asked how they overcame nerves before going on stage. LeVar's response was "I find a good wank helps!" - seriously!! … Continue Reading ››

Fedcon Day 3

  See our other Fedcon Posts Our day started by returning to our hotel at 4am for a brief sleep before finding ourselves oddly still alive when we awoke a few hours later! Gates McFadden Fedcon We ran to the Chase Masterson talk only to find she was in the small hall and it was full! We were denied! After Star Trek talks there was only one other thing we could think of; food and drink. We needed it like a Jem'Hadar needs Ketral White! We went to the hotel buffett and here's something a bit odd about Fedcon, you need tokens to buy food!? So we went to buy tokens, but they didn't accept credit cards. So we went to the ATM machine. And you know what? It was out of order! We walked bloody miles (actually 500 metres but with a hangover - that's an eternity!) to get cash. We found … Continue Reading ››

Fedcon Day 2 overview Pt1

    The Trekkie Girls are at Fedcon for a second day, attending talks, visiting dealer stands and getting merry with fellow trekkies! See our first impressions here 
LeVar Burton

Normally at events we're screaming at the alarm clock at 6 am but Fedcon is chill! After a nice lay in we head to the LeVar Burton talk. All Trekkie have one thing on their mind at the moment - Star Trek Discovery and a lot of questions relate to it. LeVar was very open to working on the series.

After listening to LeVar speak for a while he seemed to remind us more and more of Geordi La Forge. He has that same calming sensitivity, intellect and optimism. So Sam decided to ask him he felt he had the closest personality to his character out of all the TNG cast. LeVar agreed although also felt Patrick Stewart was close with Picard and quipped "Patrick could be grumpy … Continue Reading ››

Fedcon Day 2 Overview – Pt2

See all our Fedcon Posts Highlights from Day 2 continued.
Colm Meaney
Colm was the final guest to take to the stage on day 2 of Fedcon. Here are our top highlights from his talk: Colm Meaney Fedcon The highlight of Colm's talk (possibly weekend) was when he sang Minstrel Boy from TNG The Wounded:
The Evening
There aren't themed parties as such at Fedcon like there are at Star Trek Las Vegas or Destination Star Trek but that's because it's one long party! They have a pop up 'Romulan pub' bar. A dancefloor and a DJ adjacent to the Klingon Bar (our favourite). Don't worry, the dance floor served as a neutral zone between the respective Klingon and Romulan Bars! When the panels finished we felt it was a good time to sample the local Romulan Ale. All conventions have their own style and we're sure shares in Blue Curaçao rise whenever thousands … Continue Reading ››

Fedcon – Opening Ceremony and Marina Sirtis Talk

Marina Sirtis

The first talk we attended was Fedcon's most favourite guest (as voted for by last years patrons) Marina Sirtis. 

Marina can always deliver an entertaining talk and the audience hangs on to her every word. It didn't take long for her to get into politics!  

Deanna Troi and Marina Sirtis is our favourite Juxtaposition. They are probably the most diametrically opposed personalities between an actor and her character. And we love them both!

We were there to bombard our twitter followers with every detail of our experience. Check out our top live tweets from the talk:

Marina also told Fedcon a hilarious story about how her temper got her onto the the TSA's flight watch list!
Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony was like most opening ceremonies at events, late to start but a great opportunity to see all the guests in one place. It also kick starts a … Continue Reading ››

Fedcon Day 1 – Review

It's our first visit to Fedcon in Bonn, Germany. We've been meaning to get here for years and our time has come! The funny thing about attending an event new to us after so many years, is that you cant help but compare them. That's ok for us because we are happy with different.  Fedcon first impressions
First impressions
The first thing that stood out for as different is the scale of the event. It is by no means small, the hotel is full. It's day one and a Friday so we suspect it will be busier tomorrow. It's a good number though. There's a good crowd here but I have been able to find a seat and table to write a blog post. Which for a Star Trek event, is usually a near improbable situation. The same is true with the guests. It's not near Destination Star Trek levels and … Continue Reading ››

Fedcon Bonn Germany – 2nd – 5th June

Continuing our mission to attend the worlds best Star Trek events, the Trekkie Girls have locked their targets onto FedCon 26 which is being held in Bonn Germany 2nd – 5th June 2017. There’s a stellar Trek lineup this year including LEVAR BURTON (Geordi La Forge), MICHAEL DORN (Worf), MARINA SIRTIS (Deanna Troi), GATES MCFADDEN (Beverly Crusher), CHASE MASTERSON (Leeta)  JOHN DE LANCIE (Q) and COLM MEANEY (Miles O’Brien) .  Also appearing are some great non-Trek Guests like Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman and David Hasslehoff!. With so many Next Generation actors appearing, it looks the perfect place to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Star Trek The Next Generation. The convention is located in the city of Bonn near Cologne-Bonn airport which boasts five direct flights to the UK. It is also an hour and half from the soon-to-be-opened official Star Trek Roller Coaster located at Movie Park Germany (unfortunately it doesn't look like it'll be open in time for … Continue Reading ››