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Updated: 19th February 2018
Contains spoilers up end of season one.
Star Trek Discovery Characters
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Commander Michael BurnhamanemptytextllineActor: Sonequa Martin-Green. Former first officer of the USS Shenzhou. Was serving life sentence for mutiny and starting the Klingon War. Earned commission by stopping it. Now serving as Science Officer on the USS Discovery. Follow Sonequa:
Commander SaruanemptytextllineActor: Doug Jones. First Officer of the USS Discovery. Served with Burnham on the Shenzhou. A Kelpien who's species has been "biologically determined to sense the coming of death". Follow Doug
Lt. Cmdr Paul StametsanemptytextllineActor: Anthony Rapp. Stamets is an astromycologist (study of alien fungus!) onboard the USS Discovery. He has plugged himself into the Spore Drive with unknown consequences. Follow Anthony:
Ensign Silvia TillyanemptytextllineActor: Mary Wiseman. Recent Starfleet Academy graduate and on the command track. Her speciality is Engineering and is Michael Burnham's room mate. Tilly is awesome. Follow Mary:
Lt Jnr Grade Joann OwosekunanemptytextllineActor: Oyin Oladejo. Ops Officer on USS Discovery, she exchanges some killer glances with Detmer which say what we're all thinking. Follow Oyin:
Lt. Commander AiriamanemptytextllineActor: Sara Mitch. Airiam is the Spore Drive Ops Officer. Not much is known about her. Thought to be an augmented Human. Is it rude to ask? Follow Sara:
Lt. Keyla DetmeranemptytextllineActor: Emily Coutts. A Conn Officer originally on the Shenzhou, now serving on the Discovery. Follow Emily:
L'RellanemptytextllineActor: Mary Chieffo. Leader of the Klingon Empire. She is from two Klingon Houses T'Kuvma and Mokai (a family of 'watchers, deceivers and liars') She is responsible for joining Ash Tyler and Voq and for uniting the Klingon houses....
Philippa Georgiou (Mirror)anemptytextllineActor: Michelle Yeoh. Former Emperor of the Terran Empire. Georgiou was saved from a coup and bought to the prime universe where she attempted to blow up Qo'noS. Now wondering around doing who knows what. Follow Michelle:
Ash TyleranemptytextllineActor: Shazad Latif. Former Chief of Security on the Discovery currently serving with L'Rell. Not quite Human, not quite Klingon. The original Ash died and Voq's body was transformed to assume Ash's identity. Follow Shazad:
Captain Christopher PikeanemptytextllineActor: Anson Mount. Known as 'Handsome Anson' for obvious reasons. Captain Pike is set to feature in Season two Follow Anson:
Lt. RhysanemptytextllineActor: Patrick Kwok-Choon. Tactical Officer on the USS Discovery. Follow Patrick:
Dr Hugh CulberanemptytextllineActor: Wilson Cruz. Dr Culber was a Doctor onboard the USS Discovery. He was in a relationship with Lt. Stamets until Tyler broke is neck. But in Star Trek you're only dead until you're not. Follow Wilson:
Captain Gabriel Lorca (Mirror)anemptytextllineActor: Jason Isaacs. From the Mirror Universe. Lorca was the Captain of the USS Discovery. Lorca was charged with winning the war against the Klingons. But used his position to get back to his universe. Killed by Emperor Georgiou....
Captain Philippa GeorgiouanemptytextllineActor: Michelle Yeoh. Captain of the USS Shenzhou and former mentor of Michael Burnham. Killed by T'Kuvma, main course at Klingon Buffet. Follow Michelle:
T'KuvmaanemptytextllineActor: Chris Obi. Status: Deceased. T'Kuvma was the Klingon Leader seeking to reunite the houses (when were they ever united!?) Follow Chris:
Harry MuddanemptytextllineActor: Rainn Wilson. That's right HARRY MUDD! Another epic casting choice. Follow Rainn:
Commander Ellen LandryanemptytextllineActor: Rekha Sharma. Status: Deceased. Chief of Security before she was ripped by Ripper. Follow Rekha:
SarekanemptytextllineActor: James Frain. Adopted Michael Burnham, can mind meld her over vast distances. The first character cast to have a connection to Star Trek cannon (from both Prime and Kelvin timelines!). Follow James:
KolanemptytextllineActor: Kenneth Mitchell. Status: Deceased. Kol was the Klingon Leader and Protege to T’Kuvma. From the house of KOR!! Follow Kenneth:
UjillianemptytextllineActor: Damon Runyan. Plays a Klingon despite his Ferengi sounding name. Follow Damon:
Admiral Brett AndersonanemptytextllineActor: Terry Serpico. Status: Assumed Dead. A Starfleet Admiral, his ship the Europa got rammed by a cloaked Klingon ship then self destructed. Follow Terry:
Vice Admiral Katrina CornwellanemptytextllineActor: Jayne Brook. Admiral Cornwell is a psychiatrist and an old friend of Captain Lorca. Went a bit naughty when she supported a plan to destroy Qo'noS! Follow Jayne:
DennasanemptytextllineActor: Clare McConnell. A leader in the Klingon Empire. Currently has a screenshot of Worf's surprise party as her Twitter header image. Follow Clare:
Admiral TerralanemptytextllineActor: Conrad Coates. An apparent Vulcan (we have our suspicions). So far so good, but there's plenty of time for him to turn bad as Admirals do. Follow Conrad:
Dr Anton NambueanemptytextllineActor: Maulik Pancholy. Status Unknown. Dr. Nambue was the Chief Medical Officer of the starship Shenzhou. Follow Malik:
Ensign Danby ConnoranemptytextllineActor: Sam Vartholomeos. Status: Deceased. Ensign Connor was a junior Officer assigned to the Shenzhou before getting blown into space in a hull breach. Follow Sam:
VoqanemptytextllineActor: Javid Iqbal (But not really!) A Klingon outsider, "Son of None". Voq was chosen as Torchbearer. Voq got chopped up and turned into Ash Tyler by L'Rell. Whilst he is dead, his memories exist in Ash.
Captain Sylvia Tilly (Mirror)anemptytextllineActor: Mary Wise. Status: presumed dead but we don't believe that for a nano second. A brutal and fearless Captain, she and the emperor enjoy enslaving and exterminating.