Category Archives: Star Trek Discovery

All our news, reviews and crazy fan theories regarding Star Trek Discovery.

Be sure to check out our Discovery Characters page to find out who has served on what ship, who has died and who has reappeared!


At London Film and Comic Con last weekend we caught up with Shazad Latif (Ash Tyler and Voq from Star Trek Discovery). He was very gracious and approachable, truly wonderful with the fans and was a pleasure to talk to.

We asked him how the Section 31 series with Michelle Yeoh is progressing:

The head of the CBS said it was about 2 years down the line, so we're maybe a year and a half away but it all depends on the people. Michelle is very busy, it depends on her being free, me being free. It depends if I fit into the timeline. There's loads of things that we don't know and they have to write it. We'll know more in a year.

- Shazad Latif, 28th July LFCC

Will we be … Continue Reading ››

Trekkie Girls – Friday Night Live – Star Trek Universe, Reactions and Speculations

There was a HUGE amount of news beaming out of San Diego Comic Con including:

Star Trek Discovery Season 3
Lower Decks - First images.
Short Trek - Six more!
Star Trek Picard - RETURN OF DATA, 7 of 9 and HUGH!

Let's discuss our theories including
Who's that woman!?
Is Data really back?
What funny things we all want to see in Lower Decks?

Mostly we just want to geek out with our collective and get excited because Star Trek is HUGE! A whole Universe Huge!

Friday Night Live Star Trek Chat

You all kept asking so we have delivered. Every Friday night at 21:00 UTC during Season 2 of Star Trek Discovery we will host a Friday night livestream chat to share our reaction to the episode, speculate what is happening all whilst indulging in Star Trek themed cocktails!

To make it a bit different from all the rest we're trying to keep it around 30 - 45 mins long and to include the following segments:

=^= Trek themed Cocktails
=^= Trek-Bounding ideas (normal attire trekified)
=^= What The Spock!?
=^= Who's Meme is that anyway?
=^=Disco Star of the week.

Our first livestream was a lot of fun as we discussed Angels, red signals and how to make Jippers (minus a beach). We currently stream to Facebook Live but hoping to stream to our Continue Reading ››

Loving L’Rell with the Disco Trek Podcast

Disco Trek - L'Rell - Listen Now

I recently had the privilege and honour to appear on the Disco Trek Podcast. Part of the Tricorder Transmissions network which delivers thought provoking discussions on a variety of Star Trek topics.

The two hosts Heather Barker (@LLAPawsper) and Jeff Hulit (@WarpFactorJeff) have been providing a review of each Star Trek Discovery episode. Whilst the series is on Hiatus, they are deep diving into the characters.

When the opportunity to deep dive on the topic of L'Rell's character, I put in a request to participate and was fortunate enough to appear along with Jeff, Heather and Anika (@manicpixiedane) who beautifully coined the term Social Justice Klingon Warrior Princess!

Before I appeared on the show I pondered which way to approach the discussion and that led me to question why I am so intrigued by L'Rell? I think … Continue Reading ››

Season One Final – Will You Take My Hand Review

WHAT AN EPISODE! What an incredible first season.

Star Trek Discovery Crew - Will you take my hand

The first season of Star Trek Discovery was in our opinion the strongest opening of any Star Trek series.

The story about the soldier and the general which Burham narates was the perfect analogy for the first season. Burham experiences fear (the encounter with the Klingon) which creates a chain of events that happens very fast. Her actions to protect her Captain can be explained when we learn how her parents were killed by Klingons and the maternal relationship she has with Georgiou.

Looking back we realise how much empathy we have had with Burnham. We have been on this crazy journey with her. Michael and the crew have been on a warp speed, spore speed, non stop race against some deadly foes, they have been deceived, hurt and manipulated since day one. … Continue Reading ››

Star Trek Discovery Finale – Tweet Along and Webcast

If you're fortunate enough to watch Star Trek Discovery in North America then you get the benefit of enjoying a respectable start time (Sunday evenings make for great TV watching) and the collective benefit of sharing your thoughts immediately with others either with After Trek or on social Media.

Whilst watching on Netflix certainly has its advantages, a launch time of Monday morning isn't exactly sociable or viable watching time for most. This results in many of us taking social media blackout mondays.

When we saw that many of the Discovery actors were partaking in a live tweet along to the season one finale, we felt more envious than Harry Kim at a promotion ceremony. So we are having our own!!

Join us and the following for our tweet along tomorrow night 20:00 GMT with: Sonequa Martin-Green, Mary Wise, Jason Isaacs, William Shatner, Damien - The Irish … Continue Reading ››

Disco Chat – Despite Myself **SPOILERS**


Fresh from watching Star Trek Discovery "Despite Myself" the Trekkie Girls share their reaction to this AMAZING episode. In our usual style we have some theories including:

  • What's Stamets deal?
  • What role will L'Rell play?
  • Which Mirror universe episodes should Trekkies In Training watch?
  • Who is dead or alive?
  • Voq/Tyler speculation



Where is the USS Discovery? What is Lorca up too?

Happy New Year to all our readers. Thank you for continuing to follow our Trek into fandom. Once again we have another very exciting year ahead of us. Make sure you check out our Future Events page to see which events we'll be attending this year. We hope to you at some, if not all.

**Spoilers ahead**

New Discovery

Star Trek Discovery restarts the second half of Season One in a matter of hours on the 7th January (US and Canada) and 8th January everywhere else on Netflix.

At the end of 'Into the Forest I Go' we all saw Captain Lorca override the spore navigation drive. But where did he send them?

Lorca's Agenda

What did Lorca DO!? Since the second episode of Discovery we have been back and forth with where we stand on Lorca. These characters are deeper than the classic goodie/baddie archetypes so we are happy to indulge … Continue Reading ››

Star Trek Discovery Fan Event – London

On the 5th of November some lucky Trekkies from around the UK were invited to special Star Trek Discovery Fan event in London hosted by Netflix. Including an Exhibition of props, viewing of the latest episode and Q&A with Sonequa Martin-Green (Michael Burnham), Jason Isaacs (Captain Lorca), Shazad Latiff (Ash Tyler) and Aaron Harberts (Executive Producer).

The Exhibition

Props from the Star Trek Exhibition in Blackpool were on display including the USS Discovery's Captains chair, uniforms and props.

There was no doubt that @StarTrekNetflix put in some command level

We were also treated to delicious Starfleet and Klingon pastry treats.

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

The main event was an early viewing of the latest episode. The first to be written by Star Trek Novelist  Kirsten Beyer. The audience LOVED it, especially the "needs of the many" conversation between Burnham and Tyler.


The highlight of the event was the Question and Answer session with Sonequa Martin-Green (Michael Burnham), Jason … Continue Reading ››