... And so does a Trekkie Girl!
Next week the annual official Star Trek Convention beams back the Rio with Creation Entertainment's Star Trek Las Vegas!
Taking place
2nd - 6th August at the Rio All Suites Las Vegas the convention features over 100 stars from both in front and behind the scenes from each incarnation of Star Trek...yes, even the new movies (Mmm Karl Urban!).
If headliners such as William Shatner (Captain Kirk), Patrick Stewart (THE PICARD!) and Kate Mulgrew (Captain Janeway) weren't enough to entice us trekkies to travel all over the world to attend, then the latest news that
Star Trek Discovery are sending an envoy to promote the new series, will have us flying to Vegas at Warp Speed.
Star Trek Discovery at STLV
The first day of the convention (Wednesday 2nd August) will have a heavy emphasis on Star Trek Discovery. This includes the exhibit of props/costumes and art. Having seen some of the props …
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24th Century Socialites. 21st Century high functioning nerds. We go to Star Trek Conventions and talk about Star Trek a lot.