This was the first Star Trek book I ever read. I found it in my local library as a child and I re-borrowed it for years until I was old enough to buy one for myself.
It has since been updated to include all seasons and all TNG movies (up to Nemesis).
I’ve read this book cover to cover and is a great ‘companion’ when doing a re-watch of the Next Generation as it gives lots of behind-the-scenes details.
I have since met the Author Larry Nemecek and consider him a friend. His enthusiasm for Star Trek permeates into his words and draws you in.
Its hard to find a hard copy of this book but fortunately it’s now available on Kindle.
A positive feast of information, the Companion includes complete plot summaries and credits for each invidiual episode and film. There are fascinating behind-the-scenes glimpses into how each one was made, and in-depth analysis really brings The Next Generation universe to life. Illustrated throughout with more than 150 black and white photographs, this is a truly invaluable reference guide.
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