Category Archives: Conventions and Events

Star Trek Conventions and Events we are attending in 2018 in the US and UK. Plus Reviews of previous ones we have attended.

Conventions Include Destination Star Trek, Star Trek Las Vegas and The Sci-Fi Ball.

Events we have attended include the Star Trek Beyond Fan Event, Los Angeles. The Star Trek Discovery Netflix event in London and the Star Trek Video Game launch.

Reviews include a written blog report, video and tweet highlights. If you’d like us to report on your Star Trek event please contact us.



Make it Sew, Part One

Greetings, As you know, we normally spend our weekend in the Mud Baths of Shiralea VI, or under the twin Suns of Risa but this weekend we ventured north of the Thames and boldly went to Northampton. For it was that time of year again, the Klingon Starfleet Banquet as hosted by Starbase 24. This was their 4.5th event which they hold to raise money for the cancer charity Macmillan. What better way could we raise money for charity by dressing up, celebrating Gene Roddenberry's vision for the future by giving some of our money to help us achieve that vision. Preparing for this event was no easy task though so we got all Garak-like and took to our sewing machines! Check out our special Make-It-Sew episode of Trekkies Girls. Continue Reading ››