As part of the
Royal Albert Hall's Films in Concert, two showings of Star Trek were shown over the weekend, in conjunction with the Hall's Festival of Science.
On Saturday the 2009 JJ Abrams Star Trek movie was performed and on Sunday it was Star Trek Beyond.
We attended the Sunday concert and despite having attended a few Star Trek themed concerts at this venue, it always feels as if we are experiencing it for the first time when we go to the Royal Albert Hall.
The Concert

So why watch a movie that we have seen many times before at the Royal Albert Hall? Because this time we're not just watching it, the priority is to listen. We all love the effect music has on motion pictures but hearing it performed live by the London Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir is …
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Having stumbled across this
snippet on Treknews of an interview with Simon Pegg with the New York Daily News, we are pleased to learn that Simon Pegg has been referring to
Memory Alpha whilst writing for Star Trek: Beyond.

We're hoping this means lots of hidden Easter eggs, crossovers and blantent references in our belovered Star Trek universe.
We know that Pegg is a self confessed fan, so why do we love that he is browsing our favourite Trek site? For Borg level perfection, obviously! We like our references to be tidy and laser scalpel sharp.
It's also a good indication that he respects the franchise and us nit-picky fans, that he wants to deliver it well. Either that or he went to google a spelling (maybe Qo'noS!? - ouch!) and then got stuck in the most horrendous wiki-loop ever.
Btw, does anyone else play this game on Memory Alpha? Pick two random and …
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24th Century Socialites. 21st Century high functioning nerds. We go to Star Trek Conventions and talk about Star Trek a lot.