As part of the
Royal Albert Hall's Films in Concert, two showings of Star Trek were shown over the weekend, in conjunction with the Hall's Festival of Science.
On Saturday the 2009 JJ Abrams Star Trek movie was performed and on Sunday it was Star Trek Beyond.
We attended the Sunday concert and despite having attended a few Star Trek themed concerts at this venue, it always feels as if we are experiencing it for the first time when we go to the Royal Albert Hall.
The Concert

So why watch a movie that we have seen many times before at the Royal Albert Hall? Because this time we're not just watching it, the priority is to listen. We all love the effect music has on motion pictures but hearing it performed live by the London Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir is …
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There's still a chance to get
your tickets for Star Trek in Concert at the prestigious Royal Albert Hall and now there's even more reason to book! The Royal Albert Hall have announced a science talk and a quiz to coincide with the Saturday showing.
Science Behind The Movies
On Saturday 2nd of June there is a pre-show before the showing of the 2009 Star Trek Movie.
Dr Roberto Trotta will lead us through the ultimate voyage around the science (and the fiction!) behind some of your favourite sci-fi movies. From cloaking devices to alien civilizations, from warp drives to transporters, find out how sci-fi writers have boldly gone where no scientist has gone before – yet.
Dr Roberto Trotta is an acclaimed science communicator and theoretical cosmologist at Imperial College, London, where he studies the properties and nature of dark matter …
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We had been banging on about it for while but did it live up to the hype? Yes Sir it did!
We arrived at the Royal Abert Hall early so we could meet friends and get acquainted with the bar. We were thrilled to bump into our friend Michael Clark from
Visionary Trek and his friend Victoria.
We don't want to give spoilers about exactly what they played as the show has just started its tour but here's an overview of how it went and what you can expect.
The live orchestra is positioned under a large screen that plays clips from all movies and series to accompany the music. It was split into segments that is narrated by Michael Dorn. The segments included dedications to different aspects for example; each crew, to the captains, to aliens and the Enterprise. There were also themes such as wisdom, …
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Ahead of Sunday's trektastic concert at the Royal Albert Hall, we were kindly offered the opportunity to talk to Ron Jones who was the composer on Star Trek The Next Generation on seasons 1-4.
Ron will be appearing as a guest conductor at Star Trek The Ultimate Voyage on Sunday 1st November and we understand there are still some
tickets left, but be quick!
TGs: You continued the theme of classical music scores in to TNG, do you know how that decision came about?
RJ: There was a lot of discussion between Gene Roddenberry and Bob Justman. Paramount and the executive side were worried as TNG was so different with a bald British captain, a Klingon on the bridge, a different cast. They were worried that the TOS fans would see this and be in shock. They told us liberally to use weed out the theme from Jerry Goldsmith and Alexander Courage's themes from …
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24th Century Socialites. 21st Century high functioning nerds. We go to Star Trek Conventions and talk about Star Trek a lot.