WHAT AN EPISODE! What an incredible first season.
The first season of Star Trek Discovery was in our opinion the strongest opening of any Star Trek series.
The story about the soldier and the general which Burham narates was the perfect analogy for the first season. Burham experiences fear (the encounter with the Klingon) which creates a chain of events that happens very fast. Her actions to protect her Captain can be explained when we learn how her parents were killed by Klingons and the maternal relationship she has with Georgiou.
Looking back we realise how much empathy we have had with Burnham. We have been on this crazy journey with her. Michael and the crew have been on a warp speed, spore speed, non stop race against some deadly foes, they have been deceived, hurt and manipulated since day one. By the time we found ourselves on an warpath to Qo’noS we were ready for battle. Everything we knew for the last six months told us this was going to be an epic space battle, shit was about to get blown up, Georgiou was going to do something crazy and two characters would die or left in peril.
And then Michael Burham said “no” and everything slowed down.
The result was a beautifully upbeat episode that felt quintessentially Star Trek.
And we got that cliffhanger we predicted but not the cliffhanger we expected. The Enterprise’s appearance and The Original Series score at the end of the episode lifted our mood and connection to this series. We feel and share the crews restored love of Starfleet and we can’t wait for season two.
We hosted a tweet-along for Netflix viewers. This was our reaction:
"Previously on Star Trek" said in Klingon. Superb. Who's idea was that? @startrekcbs #AfterTrek #SometimeAfterTrek Don't kill L'Rell
— Trekkie Girls (@TrekkieGirls) February 12, 2018
Mintaka 3? Isn't that the proto Vulcan planet?! From who watches the watchers? #sometimeaftertrek
— Trekkie Girls (@TrekkieGirls) February 12, 2018
#SquadGoals #StarTrekDiscovery pic.twitter.com/29i56jHanw
— Star Trek: Discovery (@startrekcbs) February 12, 2018
We want to #cosplay as low lifes. Shouldn't be hard.#SometimeAfterTrek https://t.co/IxGzA84i4H
— Trekkie Girls (@TrekkieGirls) February 12, 2018
Had to rewind…. So Klingons DO have two dicks!? Daaaaamn Jadzia, Deanna, Ezri and we're going to say Will Riker?#SomeTimeAfterTrek
— Trekkie Girls (@TrekkieGirls) February 12, 2018
Orions!! They have black hair and are horny again!! Thank the profits the timeline is restored! #SomeTimeAfterTrek
— Trekkie Girls (@TrekkieGirls) February 12, 2018
Fitted Leather jackets and scarfs are all the fashion for Vulcan loving humans visiting Qo'noS this winter/spring season. #StarTrekDiscovery #SometimeAfterTrek #KronosCruiseCollection pic.twitter.com/XVGsR5NLxm
— Trekkie Girls (@TrekkieGirls) February 12, 2018
Never trust an Orion…especially this one. #StarTrekDiscovery pic.twitter.com/fwpor0Enmw
— Star Trek: Discovery (@startrekcbs) February 12, 2018
BALOK!! Please Say "but first, the puff" what a fantastic cameo!#SometimeAfterTrek https://t.co/ZZ0WZ7GP1i
— Trekkie Girls (@TrekkieGirls) February 12, 2018
We know Lorca insinuated it, but two dicks? Can't get over that. No wonder B'Elanna's mum left her dad. ?#SideTracked #OneTrackMind #TwoTrackMind!? #sometimeaftertrek
Back to Michael pouring out her feelings…..— Trekkie Girls (@TrekkieGirls) February 12, 2018
WE ARE STARFLEET!! #sometimeaftertrek
— Trekkie Girls (@TrekkieGirls) February 12, 2018
So proud to be a Trekkie right now.
Burnham addressing Starfleet command "we have to be torch bearers". – beautiful!
We're all crying!
THAT IS STARFLEET!! #StarTrekDiscovery #sometimeaftertrek— Trekkie Girls (@TrekkieGirls) February 12, 2018
Ohh shit is this actually happening right at the end?? ……. OMFG!!!! This is too much. We're not worthy!!! #sometimeaftertrek
— Trekkie Girls (@TrekkieGirls) February 12, 2018
Holy rings of betazed what an ending! Was not expecting that! 100% pure StarTrek!
S1 was an adrenaline rushed cordrazine stimulated ride which was dark but as Michael said – you need the darkness to see the light. Even Kira said that! They found another way! #sometimeaftertrek— Trekkie Girls (@TrekkieGirls) February 12, 2018
Live Webcast
After the tweet-along we were joined by Damien – aka The Irish Trekkie and chief mod at the Unofficial Star Trek Discovery Fanpage on Facebook and Trekkie Rob who runs the Trek Book Club.
Here we discuss how the season developed, how we felt about character progression, Klingon penises (seriously, we can’t get over that!) and THAT ending!
Best Bit: No one died! Tilly saluting Emperor Georgiou, getting high, everyone performed admirably.
Weird Bit: No one else seemed to question Georgiou turning up and behaving like a deranged war leader.