Category Archives: Trekkies In Training

For the Love of “For the Love of Spock”


Noble. Dignity. Artist. Integrity. Human. Logical. Humble. Hope. Cool. Loving. Love.

(THE mensch of menschs?!)


As Sam reiterated during our anniversary Periscope shenanigans, after his passing in February 2015, what started out as a 50th Anniversary “Spock special”, evolved somewhat in to a well deserved “This Is Your Life, Leonard Nimoy”, and what a captivating story it is! Charting the highs and lows of the life of such an incredibly complex and talented man, genuinely loved and admired by all who knew him. When I sat down to watch ‘For the Love of Spock’ (a day late, as you would have come to expect from me!), I never intended to write a “review”, nor to write this much, but throughout the film I just found I had so much to say. It literally had me balling within the first three minutes, and … Continue Reading ››

A TiT’s Musings About Star Trek Beyond



I have been a very excited little TiT these past few weeks. The release of Star Trek Beyond marks the first “new Trek” that I have experienced since becoming a Trekkie in Training and fully-fledged TrekkieGirl. It was great to see my excitement and enthusiasm mirrored in two such hardcore Trekkies like Sam and Carole. Having sadly been unable to attend the EPIC world premiere in San Diego because of the quite serious potential to loose both jobs and husbands following our whirlwind trip to LA, we had to settle for the next best thing – the very first screening of Star Trek Beyond at our local cinema, the Vue at Gunwharf Quays in Portsmouth. There was no discussion to be had, we would attend the triple bill screening including both Star Trek and Into Darkness, before the hotly anticipated … Continue Reading ››

SFBall 2016

12592417_1092267050837550_2915522661311239442_n.jpg The weekend 5th-7th February 2016 marked the 22nd SF Ball at the familiar venue of the Grand Harbour Hotel, Southampton. Guests of "Trek interest” were Casey Biggs and Vaughn Armstrong of the incredible Enterprise Blues Band, and Dominic Keating and Connor Trinneer of Enterprise fame. Unfortunately we were a Trekkie Girl down as Sam had been hospitalised with suspected appendicitis! But the show had to go on, so Carole and I hot-footed it over to Southampton! A beautiful sight to behold, the ever-expanding bridge of the USS Riker’s Beard welcomed us aboard – we even met their Captain – as well as the lovely guys from the Manchester based USS Phoenix. image As ever the atmosphere was electric, and the costumes were top-notch! In particular the three Daleks were absolutely faultless and quite frankly scared the bejeezus out of me! Clearly Carole … Continue Reading ››

My Year As A Trekkie In Training

I cannot believe that my first Star Trek convention was a whole year ago today (3rd October 2014)! I feel like I owe it to myself, my TiTties and those gorgeous TrekkieGirls, Sam and Carole, to just take a minute and look back, to reflect upon my year as a “Trekkie In Training” (TiT).

Green Girls

 DST3 was undeniably one of the best experiences of my life. I was really thrown in at the deep end, but vowed to enjoy every single minute of it, and that I did. Even when that meant being painted green and parading around in a bikini all day! I did get to have my photograph taken with the uber gorgeous Karl Urban after all?!

Karl Urban

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The Original TiT’s Season 3 TNG Review: Pt 2

Well, if they upped the ante with Season 3, then they completely smashed it through the roof with the Season finale cliffhanger! How on EARTH did you guys wait an entire year for the new Season to start? I could scarcely get the DVDs swapped over quick enough! From the off, you just know there’s something a foot – the music is eerie and there’s a certain note of desperation in Picard’s voice as he records his “Captain’s log”. I don’t recall an ‘opener’ (before the credits roll) as short as that in any of the episodes I’d watched up to that point? It’s like, okay, brief introduction, let’s get the hell on with the story! And by God, didn’t they do that?! I could literally bang on about these two episodes FOREVER! So much content. So many unanswered questions. Terrific acting (and directing!). My highlights of TBOBW included: -

The Original TiT’s Season 3 TNG Review: Pt 1

Another Season down and I still haven’t learned my lesson! Instead of mentally trying to build a Season review in my head as I watch, and maybe even sensibly jotting a couple of notes down along the way, I still find myself having done neither of these things, and once again face the challenge of trying to remember what’s happened throughout the whole of Season 3! #badTiT I thought I’d share my thought process with you, as it struck me as being quite funny? Well, you can tell I’m a die-hard Friends fan anyway?! This is how it began…


  1. Evolution – Wesley’s nanites get loose – they communicate through Data
  2. The Ensigns of Command – Data takes control on-planet
  3. The Survivors – great “on planet” episode
  4. Who Watches the Watchers – the one where Troi and Riker are disguised as aliens that look a bit like Vulcan/Romulans?!
  5. The Bonding – the one with the creepy little boy – good Worf … Continue Reading ››

The Original TiT’s Season 2 TNG review

So, I embarked on my TNG Season 2 quest with marked trepidation. My head had been filled with somewhat negative thoughts (“Dr Crusher isn’t in it”; “just get through it – it gets WAY better mid-Season 3”), so my expectations admittedly weren’t very high. At least it’s only a short season of just 22 episodes I thought to myself (thanks to a writer’s strike I’m reliably informed). Well, I have to say I was quite pleasantly surprised… Right, first things first, let’s just get this one out of the way: Pulaski. The Star Trek equivalent of Marmite. Pulaski I have to admit, I disliked her immensely from the very beginning (hate is a strong word), and although I had somewhat warmed to her by the time we got to the likes of “Pen Pals” and “Samaritan Snare” (where she had begun to show an iota of compassion), I … Continue Reading ››

The Original TiT’s TNG Season 1 review

(A couple of) people suggested I “blog” about my TNG Season 1 experience. So, here are the musings of a mere novice TiT on what was undeniably a rollercoaster ride of an introduction to Star Trek… cast_s1 The first thing that struck me was how dated it seemed, I just didn’t realise it was made in 1987, almost 30 years ago! It’s nearly as old as me 😉 So right from the start I knew I had to make allowances for things such as the fashion, style and SFX (and something I had to continuously remind myself of throughout!). I actually really liked the totally 80s soundtrack – I could tell instantly what sort of episode was going to follow – it’s a shame the music guy later got the sack (or so I’m told?). Kicking off a new show with an episode like Encounter at Farpoint was somewhat of a … Continue Reading ››

So, What’s Next for The Original TiT?

What can I say? The response I’ve had to these “guest blog” posts has been absolutely amazing – you guys are fantastic!! But I’ve actually really enjoyed doing them! In fact, it’s kind of taken over my life a little bit?! (I may need to take a couple of days off to spend some time with my boyfriend, think he’s feeling a little neglected!) It’s taken me right back to my time at University – cramming to finish those 5000 word essays before a deadline (it’s a good stress – honest!). Part of me doesn’t want it to end? But I can’t hog the Trekkie Girls limelight forever. So, what IS next for The Original TiT?!
Perhaps it’s time for me to take command of my own starship? Start my own blog…
SCARY!! What will I talk about? What if nobody comes to pay me a visit? Guess I’ll just … Continue Reading ››