The Red Shirt Diaries Season 2 – A chat with Ashley
After binge watching S1 of The Red Shirt Diaries (thanks for joining us on our tweet-along!) we got in touch with Ashley (aka Ensign Williams) for a chat before the launch of Season 2.
Season 2 launched last week with the Menagarie pt 1 & 2 now available and it continues it's fitting tribute to TOS with its wit, style and improved fancy visual effects!
How did you get started with RSD?
I had had the idea for THE RED SHIRT DIARIES right after I graduated from university with the intent of building a show around a rewatch of TOS. I'd never seen TOS in order and blogs are such a popular medium that it seemed a natural match.
When I met Jason Inman I told him about the idea and he was able to bring the skills and understanding of youtube to THE RED SHIRT DIARIES and start it into production. (for those who don't … Continue Reading ››