As always the @TrekkieGirls are preparing for the #StarTrek panel. … Continue Reading ››
LFCC Sunday 19th July 2015
It's that time of year again for one of our convention staples. Showmaster's London Film and Comic Con.
We've been attending these for years. It feels like that familiar family holiday we take together. But this year stands out. This year it was BIG!! There was some serious guest star pulling power happening.
We heard that it was going to be hot and that it was crazy busy (It always seems to fall on the hottest day of the year!). We prepared ourselves mentally and physically for this away mission. Lots of water, tiny TNG skant dresses, water, we even bought new boots that were super comfy (sign that we're getting old). Armed with this and psyching ourselves up for standing around in a sweaty moshpit, we were actually relieved to find it wasn't as bad as we had imagined it to be.