Star Trek Discovery's ninth episode "Into The Forest I Go" has left a plethora of untied threads for us fans whom, lets face it, are more accustomed to a cliffhanger revolving around whether a main character gets their requested pay rise dies at the end.
We also haven't had any 'mid season' breaks either. For better or worse they give us a chance to reflect and do our favourite thing....SPECULATE!
So what big change do we predict/want to see in the next half? I'll let Carole and Sarah speak for themselves but my (Sam's) reaction after watching episode nine was ROMULANS!
Here's my logic and it's about to get Political so watch out snowflakes!
Cloaking Devices
First, there's the issue of Cloaking Devices. We know in The Original Series, Kor's ship was the first Klingon vessel to be fitted with a device and it was assumed to be from a peaceful … Continue Reading ››
Next up was Glenn Hetrick and Neville Page to talk about designing and creating the aliens we can expect to see in Discovery. What we received was an in-depth exploration of the development of characters, delivered in a concise and consciencous manner.
(please note incorrect twitter handle was used in this tweet. Should be @glenn_hetrick)
Glenn and Neville showed us images from their design software which showed us the level of detail that goes into perfecting how the prosthetics will behave.
As for the Klingons, they designed them from the inside out! They took the Klingon skull as the starting point and considered what features a predatory animal has. They often include holes in the … Continue Reading ››
On the opening day there are four...yes there are FOUR panels dedicated to Star Trek Discovery this Wednesday at Creation Entertainments Star Trek Las Vegas... the first was the highly anticipated Star Trek Writers Room panel with Ted Sullivan, Kirsten Beyer and Akiva Goldsman.
If you don't follow Ted on twitter already, you must. Not only Ted is a writer and supervising producer on Discovery he is a massive super fan of Star Trek. I was lucky enough to meet him and his companion #JasonGorn and exchanged a brief chat about Star Trek and it's like talking to any other fan at a convention that you've never met before but you share a common love of a show called Star Trek.
Inside the Star Trek Discovery Writers Room
Here are our tweets summarising the panel.
Conclusion: These are people who understand the very essence of Star Trek,they ARE the essence of Star Trek. I came away … Continue Reading ››
24th Century Socialites. 21st Century high functioning nerds. We go to Star Trek Conventions and talk about Star Trek a lot.