Tag Archives: Best of both worlds

The Original TiT’s Season 3 TNG Review: Pt 2

Well, if they upped the ante with Season 3, then they completely smashed it through the roof with the Season finale cliffhanger! How on EARTH did you guys wait an entire year for the new Season to start? I could scarcely get the DVDs swapped over quick enough! From the off, you just know there’s something a foot – the music is eerie and there’s a certain note of desperation in Picard’s voice as he records his “Captain’s log”. I don’t recall an ‘opener’ (before the credits roll) as short as that in any of the episodes I’d watched up to that point? It’s like, okay, brief introduction, let’s get the hell on with the story! And by God, didn’t they do that?! I could literally bang on about these two episodes FOREVER! So much content. So many unanswered questions. Terrific acting (and directing!). My highlights of TBOBW included: -