The atmosphere at the years STLV is so much more relaxed despite there being so much more original and new content to see. So far, it's the best year!
We start the day with a DS9 talk.
Deep Space Nine Panel
Creation Enterainment's top Admiral Adam has joined the band are performing a very cool soft rock version of the DS9 theme track! Sorry we didn't record it. We take those 'no recording' requests serious as we'd like Press Passes granted in future years!
The panel consisted of Ira Steven Behr, Nicole de Boer, Andrew Robinson, James Darren and Chase Masterson.
Something we have noticed every time we see Ira is that he is very open to self criticism and openly encourages it from the audience and and the panel participants. Unsurprisingly these are the people who need that feedback the least because they are so highly regarded.
This is certainly the case … Continue Reading ››
The highly anticipated TNG 30th anniversary panel on Friday night was undoubtedly the jewel in the Sacred Chalice of Rixx for Star Trek Las Vegas. It boasted a full lineup of The Next Generation crew which ALMOST happened, except Jonathan Frakes' flight got cancelled due to weather. It would have been Frakes.
Nonetheless, John de Lancie and Denise Crosby stepped up to step in, and honestly I think that's the last we heard of them all night!
They start by sharing their stories of conversations with Gene Roddenberry. For example LeVar Burton once asked him why Geordi was blind, surely by the 24th Century they would have cured blindness and they'd be no need for a VISOR?
Gene's response was "How do you know your sight isn't considered better?"
The same was true with Data's skin colour and Picard's baldness. We were getting hung up on 20th Century standards … Continue Reading ››
See our other Fedcon posts
The Highlight of the Fedcon weekend for us and many others was The Next Generation talk with LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, Gates McFadden, Colm Meaney, Denise Crosby and John de Lancie.
We're fortunate enough to have seen them together a few times now but it's always a treat. The report between them is legendary. They are friends who enjoy each others company and make each other laugh. That friendship and humour is passed on to the audience and the result is an electric atmosphere and memorable panel.
We're not sure if someone had snuck a Horga'hn into LeVar's luggage or something but he had sex on the brain during that panel!
The next question was from an actress in the audience who asked how they overcame nerves before going on stage. LeVar's response was "I find a good wank helps!" - seriously!! … Continue Reading ››
So, as any good TiTtie will know, I already covered the first episode of Season 4 in Pt 2 of my Season 3 review (it seemed only fitting that TBOBW should have a review all of its very own?!).
The bar was raised extremely high with Season 3, concluding in that EPIC two-part finale! It quite literally blew Seasons 1 & 2 completely out of the water. As a result, I was (ashamed to admit) a little worried that Season 4 may be somewhat of an anti-climax. I mean, how could they possibly top THAT? What if TNG was one of those shows that went on a season or two past its peak? I had faith, because I know there is a lot of love out there for TNG and had it not been a success, it would never have spawned a hugely lucrative movie franchise, as well as subsequent hit series DS9, Voyager, Enterprise … Continue Reading ››
Well, if they upped the ante with Season 3, then they completely smashed it through the roof with the Season finale cliffhanger! How on EARTH did you guys wait an entire year for the new Season to start? I could scarcely get the DVDs swapped over quick enough!
From the off, you just know there’s something a foot – the music is eerie and there’s a certain note of desperation in Picard’s voice as he records his “Captain’s log”. I don’t recall an ‘opener’ (before the credits roll) as short as that in any of the episodes I’d watched up to that point? It’s like, okay, brief introduction, let’s get the hell on with the story! And by God, didn’t they do that?!
I could literally bang on about these two episodes FOREVER! So much content. So many unanswered questions. Terrific acting (and directing!).
My highlights of TBOBW included: -
Meeting (the namesake of one of TrekkieGirls Sam’s two … Continue Reading ››
Another Season down and I still haven’t learned my lesson! Instead of mentally trying to build a Season review in my head as I watch, and maybe even sensibly jotting a couple of notes down along the way, I still find myself having done neither of these things, and once again face the challenge of trying to remember what’s happened throughout the whole of Season 3! #badTiT
I thought I’d share my thought process with you, as it struck me as being quite funny? Well, you can tell I’m a die-hard Friends fan anyway?! This is how it began…
Evolution – Wesley’s nanites get loose – they communicate through Data
The Ensigns of Command – Data takes control on-planet
The Survivors – great “on planet” episode
Who Watches the Watchers – the one where Troi and Riker are disguised as aliens that look a bit like Vulcan/Romulans?!
The Bonding – the one with the creepy little boy – good Worf … Continue Reading ››
The Trekkie Girls are back for 2015 with their Trekkie In Training (TiT) Sarah. In this episode they discuss how Sarah got on watching S1 of The Next Generation
(A couple of) people suggested I “blog” about my TNG Season 1 experience. So, here are the musings of a mere novice TiT on what was undeniably a rollercoaster ride of an introduction to Star Trek…
The first thing that struck me was how dated it seemed, I just didn’t realise it was made in 1987, almost 30 years ago! It’s nearly as old as me 😉 So right from the start I knew I had to make allowances for things such as the fashion, style and SFX (and something I had to continuously remind myself of throughout!). I actually really liked the totally 80s soundtrack – I could tell instantly what sort of episode was going to follow – it’s a shame the music guy later got the sack (or so I’m told?).
Kicking off a new show with an episode like Encounter at Farpoint was somewhat of a … Continue Reading ››
We just sat in the TNG press conference with Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, Marina Sirtis and gates McFadden
It was a bit tough at first as no press were asking questions which is the opposite to when fans are present so we thought we'd get the ball rolling by asking he first question. So we asked if they had seen the Enterprise bridge yet. Marina with her brilliant British humour informed us that she used to work on the real Enterprise bridge so no big whoop!
A slightly more serious question about why the TNG crew got along so famously, Marina spoke about how rare it is for Hollywood but it was luck and chemistry and trickled through the cast. But Patrick Stewart was a serious actor, something that took 6 months to break! Then he was the ring … Continue Reading ››
Forget bonfire night and cancel the community fireworks display because tonight at 7pm Syfy channel is boldly going over season one of Next Gen in HD!
We got the Taste of Blu ray disk back in January and it tasted good! But neglectful friends and relatives ignored our requests for season one in Blu ray for our birthdays. Therefor we are mighty glad it is now on TV. In someways, it is better. If we had the box set, we would have watched them all in a couple of sittings. Probably whilst doing something mundane like ironing. Having TNG as a weekly treat will allow us to look forward and savor it.
Picard: We warned you not to laugh when Worf orders Prune Juice
Data: Now run