The Trekkie Girls Do Deep Space Nine! We are returning to our Friday night live chats each Friday at 21:00 BST. In this first episode, we revisit the series Deep Space Nine and share Sarah's first impression of the first 7 episodes. We also discuss:
- Trek Bounding (Trek themed attire) - The UK screenings of the DS9 Documentary 'What We Left Behind' - The PICARD news and THAT teaser.- Blended - Trek themed drinks. - DS9 Diva - which character standouts for the first season of DS9.
The incredible Deep Space Nine documentary 'What We Left Behind' is coming to 44 UK cinemas thanks to CinEvents.
We'll be heading to our nearest screening in Southampton on the 26th June, we hope some of you will join us. If you have been to the Sci-Fi Ball previously, this cinema is a tribble throw from the Grand Habour Hotel.
If you can't join us you're bound to find a location close to you and you can book your tickets here. UPDATE: Ireland, Austria and Germany now also included!
If you aren't aware of the documentary (where you been?) it's a showcase feature of the series dubbed Star Trek's 'middle … Continue Reading ››
The details of the parties have been released and we are 5 weeks away from our next away mission DESTINATION STAR TREK BIRMINGHAM!! Taking place 19th - 21st October at the NEC Birmingham.
The most important details ... the parties have just been released and the provisional schedule has been made available. Remember, these timetables can and very often do change. You'll need to keep an eye out throughout the weekend. But it helps us to start planning.
You won't find this many Star Trek guests anywhere in Europe. The top names so far include:
The Trekkie Girls discuss this years upcoming events including Fedcon, London Film and Comic Con and Star Trek Las Vegas. Also discussed is the Star Trek Deep Space documentary fundraiser; What We Left Behind.
24th Century Socialites. 21st Century high functioning nerds. We go to Star Trek Conventions and talk about Star Trek a lot.