Saturday at Star Trek Las Vegas was as packed with Star Trek goodness as a type 15 shuttlepod on a supply mission.
William Shatner
Scott Mantz (our favourite moderator) spoke to William Shatner and their friendship and camaraderie shone through.
Shatner is a man who shows no sign of slowing down. He has an ability to hold the audience with his dry wit and his well....Shatnerisms!
He alluded to a new project to be announced this week involving Virtual Reality and something that 'had never been done before'?
It will also be of no surprise to learn that he has a new book coming out! No really!
There were a few awkward question from audience saying that a scene was written for Captain Kirk in Star Trek 09. Shatner vehemently disputed it.
Conclusion: Beneath his put-down sense of humour William Shatner obviously functions on a deep level. I've often said that he sounds like a … Continue Reading ››
24th Century Socialites. 21st Century high functioning nerds. We go to Star Trek Conventions and talk about Star Trek a lot.