‘Klingon Karaoke’ on Thursday night we enjoyed listening to fans with incredible voices (and signing credentials to back them up) wow those of us mingling on the dance floor.
When Connor Trinneer, Dominic Keating and Chris Doohan took to the stage, the audience were in hysterics.
Then there’s the regulars who’s antics fill us casual attendees feed each August. Seeing the famous ‘Eric Allan Hall’ sing was a real treat. Eric is such a good Data cosplayer we can't say for sure that he isn't a Soong Android.
The day started by buying more MAC for Star Trek (we know, we don’t need to even insert the Picard face palming meme because you’re already imagining it!)
Star Trek.com presented the 'Missing footage panel' with Roger Lay Jr (Producer), and the production team Michael and Denise Okuda, Phil Bishop, Rod Roddenberry and Trevor Roth. This was a panel we were very much … Continue Reading ››
The five day long convention has passed us at Warp Speed! We're sorry we didn't do daily blog posts but we barely had a chance to eat or sleep! Hopefully you caught our extensive twitter feed covering all aspects.
The convention formally opens at 2.30, we're not sure why so late there must be a logical reason? On a selfish level this is fine as Sam has only just landed!
We spend the afternoon getting our bearings, walking in and out of panels, drooling over the vendors room (especially the MAC Station - more on that soon!) and bear hugging old friends and twitter acquaintances.
Something we discovered early on was that we were suffering 'missing out syndrome'. This might sound insulting if you weren't able to attend the convention and wished too but even at the event itself, there is always something else going on. When you're sat in … Continue Reading ››
24th Century Socialites. 21st Century high functioning nerds. We go to Star Trek Conventions and talk about Star Trek a lot.