At the Television Critics Press Association Press tour (we don't know what that is either!) Bryan Fuller spilled some goodies about the new Star Trek series Discovery.
If you haven't read all about it, check out this article from Variety who were reporting live from the event. Then come back whilst I speculate with my thoughts!
Here's a cheat sheet of the news thanks to Screen Junkies.
Just as a caveat to the above, I can't find any direct source that states the series will be set in the Klingon Wars. It's probably a good guess as a lot of events have been ruled out such as the Romulan war (Battle of Axanar) and The Kobayashi Maru. Bryan Fuller did mention Amanda Grayson too but it didn't read as definite that her character is included.
Whilst in Vegas, Carole and I spent a lot of time speculating with others … Continue Reading ››
‘Klingon Karaoke’ on Thursday night we enjoyed listening to fans with incredible voices (and signing credentials to back them up) wow those of us mingling on the dance floor.
When Connor Trinneer, Dominic Keating and Chris Doohan took to the stage, the audience were in hysterics.
Then there’s the regulars who’s antics fill us casual attendees feed each August. Seeing the famous ‘Eric Allan Hall’ sing was a real treat. Eric is such a good Data cosplayer we can't say for sure that he isn't a Soong Android.
The day started by buying more MAC for Star Trek (we know, we don’t need to even insert the Picard face palming meme because you’re already imagining it!)
Star presented the 'Missing footage panel' with Roger Lay Jr (Producer), and the production team Michael and Denise Okuda, Phil Bishop, Rod Roddenberry and Trevor Roth. This was a panel we were very much … Continue Reading ››
In case you missed it, Bryan Fuller (Star Trek's new showrunner and our new cult leader) revealed the title of the New Star Trek Series; Star Trek Discovery (or STD as it will never be referred too).
The teaser showed us a brief reveal of the USS Discovery. The reaction has been as divisive as Brexit and much like our recent political drama there has already been some backtracking with execs stating that 'its not a final design'.
We have been asked by many for our opinion so here is what we think. Overall, we like it! Its design resembles a Starfleet insignia from underneath, but it is also somewhat reminiscent of a TOS era Romulan Bird of Prey. A clue to its era perhaps?
Ok, so it doesn't have the sleek, sexiness of an Enterprise. But that is fine with us. Maybe it's not supposed too. It's … Continue Reading ››
24th Century Socialites. 21st Century high functioning nerds. We go to Star Trek Conventions and talk about Star Trek a lot.