We had been banging on about it for while but did it live up to the hype? Yes Sir it did!
We arrived at the Royal Abert Hall early so we could meet friends and get acquainted with the bar. We were thrilled to bump into our friend Michael Clark from
Visionary Trek and his friend Victoria.
We don't want to give spoilers about exactly what they played as the show has just started its tour but here's an overview of how it went and what you can expect.
The live orchestra is positioned under a large screen that plays clips from all movies and series to accompany the music. It was split into segments that is narrated by Michael Dorn. The segments included dedications to different aspects for example; each crew, to the captains, to aliens and the Enterprise. There were also themes such as wisdom, …
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Following on from last Saturday's successful Live Chat, we have decided to make it a regular thing. Looking at all of the platforms for streaming we have chosen to trial
Periscope as it's simple, free and can be linked to Twitter. If you're a Periscope user, be sure to follow us
We'll be sampling it for the first time this Sunday as we report live from a Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage at The Royal Albert Hall.
Dare we admit that we have even bought a selfie stick so we are no longer reliant on the kindness of strangers to record us! ... Although whether we are capable of revealing our selfie stick in public is another matter. The shame!!
Stand by for dates for our next live episodes.
24th Century Socialites. 21st Century high functioning nerds. We go to Star Trek Conventions and talk about Star Trek a lot.