All posts by Sam

Sam is one of the original founders of Trekkie Girls. Loves a Tranya, would permanently reside on Risa and wants to be Lwaxana Troi when she grows up.

We are Hugh

You may recall my trektastic pregnancy announcement with the TNG crew at DSTG last February. Well it's a long overdue introduction but we named our little one Hugh. Although it was very nearly Jean-Luc, right down to a heated discussion in the registars office. Who, by the way, was a Trekkie herself and was very keen on the name. IMG_0462_2 Born September 15th 2014 by C-Section - how envious I am of Samantha Wildmans transporter delivery or indeed, Borg maturation chambers! We have been overwhelmed by the kindness of others who have helped give Hugh a proper headstart in fandom. His Starfleet top pictured above was lovingly hand made by a family friend Jane and his Jean-Luc teddy knitted by his Granny. IMG_0515 Huey was born two weeks before DST3, but that didn't stop him attending his first ever Star Trek … Continue Reading ››

TNG and Me

Sci-fi blogs, websites and magazines are a buzz talking about Star Trek The Next Generations 25th Anniversary. As many of our readers know, we grew up on TNG and would like to share our journey with the Next Generation.
By Sam.
I don't remember the first time I watched TNG just the challenge of tricking my parents into letting me. Because I don't remember how old I was when this happened I googled the UK air date and am surprised to find it was 1990.  Once I was tucked in bed I would stay awake and listen really hard to the TV. As soon as I heard the theme music I would jump out of bed, run downstairs and announce my bellyache, bad dream, boogie man or some other made up ailment that meant I had to watch TV and be tended … Continue Reading ››

TNG Taste of Blu Ray – Taste Gooood!

Review by Sam I snatched this from the postman as he walked up my driveway this morning. It wasn't my proudest moment, wearing only a dressing gown and having only applied makeup to one eye. Why is it, you then feel the need to tell the postman, what is it they are delivering to you? The next thing I did was take the photo above as I felt a great need to share to this with my Trekkie Friends. Its one of the few times when there is a global release date that we Brits get to watch things before the Americans wake up and fill the boards with spoilers. So Na! (be quiet Auzzies!) Then there was a great I watch Standard Def Encounter at Farpoint first? So I can 'feel the benefit' when I watch it in HD? Nope, couldn't wait. The Menu page is pretty basic It doesn't really need to be anything too fancy. The options include Play … Continue Reading ››

Confessions of a temporally displaced women

Have you ever watched one of those Jerry Springer episodes with the Man who felt he should have been born a Women?...I know exactly how they feel. Except I have no confusion over my gender....but with Time. I DO NOT belong in this time line - its always felt wrong to me! Most people put it down to watching too much Star Trek - they are right. Some say I am 'from another planet' ....thats not it though. And I've given it a lot of thought. As I look at all the aliens in ST, I'm not a Raktijino drinking warrior like a Klingon, I'm too much of a lefty to be a Ferengi and I don't have the bone structure for a Cardassian, but those self-righteous know-it-all humans...yeah thats who I am. I first had these inclinations as a young child. I recently came across an old school book which went into some detail about 'what … Continue Reading ››

Star Trek Ongoing

Star Trek Ongoing #1
Review by Sam
Carole is a comic reader and I have always felt less of a geek because of it. But its time to change that and I have gone out and bought my first Comic! (by go out - I mean visit the App store and download it!).  Techie stuff:  I went for the iPad download as I don't have a comic book store nearby (for shame) and I prefer magazines etc via digital download, the pictures 'pop' and if you spill your raktajino all over it, well you just make yourself another one and carry on reading. I think there was a lot more they could have done with the media though, I found myself rotating the screen from Landscape to Portrait to make sure I … Continue Reading ››