So, beating the previous night, Carole and I were up at 8 o’clock Sunday morning, having managed a mere 3 hours sleep! (Again, Trekkie Girl Teressa had partied a little too hard – think we should throw her in the brig personally?!). Having packed up our cases and checked out of the hotel, we staggered over to the ExCel just in time to catch Karl Urban’s second talk (yes, I attended both his talks!). Despite my rather delicate state, I managed to raise my hand to ask a question that had been bothering me since the previous day – what had Daniel Stewart done to Karl Urban exactly, at the beginning of the convention, to make him think that a restraining order would have been taken out on him? I thought this was a good question, but whatever it was must have been really bad, because Karl denied all knowledge! I think he knew, but just didn’t want to talk about it? Which begs the question…
What DID you do Daniel Stewart?!
(Answers on a postcard please…)
After a possibly ill-advised bacon and brie toasted Panini and a cup of tea, it was time for my first solo mission – I had to cover Jeri Ryan, whilst Carole headed to the conflicting Bruce Greenwood’s Q&A. I just couldn’t take my eyes off her! She. Is. Stunning. And the tight leather trousers she was wearing? Well, say no more… However, I digress! She seems like a genuinely nice person, amazingly down-to-earth and very honest with her answers to audience. LOVED her!!! (Again, I will write a whole other blog post covering what I learnt in the Q&A sessions – so watch this space!) It seems that Trekkie Girl Sam was pleased with her TiT’s performance at DST3 because she then surprised me with a Karl Urban photo voucher…
O.M.G. I nearly died with excitement!! That right there is a hangover cure if ever I’ve found one – headache instantly gone and sick feeling in the pit of my stomach replaced with a thousand twinkly butterflies! We’d been so busy over the course of the weekend, and because I hadn’t really known what to expect, I hadn’t really thought about having pictures taken with, or getting autographs of the various actors in attendance.
It’s funny – he has exactly the same pose and facial expression in both pictures, like he’s a cardboard cut-out, but trust me, he was 100% real, and tangible, and had his hand around me waist *swoon*!!
The “cherry on top” that signalled the end of the convention was the Q&A with the one and only, William Shatner. I’m ashamed to admit that prior to DST3 I always thought he was a bit pompous and little bit arrogant? I’m immensely pleased to admit that I was completely and utterly wrong! He’s is in fact an extraordinarily likeable man. Intelligent, funny as you like (he started off his talk by making whale noises?!) and has the audience in the palm of his hand from the get-go. Pleasantly surprised – a thoroughly enjoyable experience!
Seriously, the day couldn’t have been rounded off any better. We just about managed to catch the tail-end of Larry Nemecek’s “Mr Star Trek” panel (possibly my only regret of the weekend was not catching this in full!), before saying our goodbye’s and collecting our goody bags (our reward for being painted green and parading around in not much more than our underwear the day before – thank you Jonanthan!!!). Tired, hungry, overwhelmed, but fully satiated by what we had experienced at DST3, we headed home. I would say The Original TiT’s first away mission had been a resounding success!
Love it