Tag Archives: Jeri Ryan

STLV The Next Generation 30th Anniversary Panel – New revelations!

STLV TNG 30 The highly anticipated TNG 30th anniversary panel on Friday night was undoubtedly the jewel in the Sacred Chalice of Rixx for Star Trek Las Vegas. It boasted a full lineup of The Next Generation crew which ALMOST happened, except Jonathan Frakes' flight got cancelled due to weather. It would have been Frakes. Nonetheless, John de Lancie and Denise Crosby stepped up to step in, and honestly I think that's the last we heard of them all night! https://twitter.com/TrekkieGirls/status/893649158736715776   They start by sharing their stories of conversations with Gene Roddenberry. For example LeVar Burton once asked him why Geordi was blind, surely by the 24th Century they would have cured blindness and they'd be no need for a VISOR? Gene's response was "How do you know your sight isn't considered better?" The same was true with Data's skin colour and Picard's baldness. We were getting hung up on 20th Century standards … Continue Reading ››

Jeri Ryan – Queen of our Collective!

We were incredibly privileged to speak to Jeri Ryan at The Greatest Show In the Galaxy. Even though she was very jet lagged, she remained as beautiful and witty as ever. As this was Jeri's first visit to the UK, she was in high demand - plus she is official nerd bait!  
jeriTGJ Jeri and The Trekkie Girls (Spot the Jem'Hadar in the background)
On both the Saturday and Sunday she had her own question and answer session that was packed out on both occasions. As we have mentioned before a lot questions were about her costume, her boobs and how her bathroom breaks resulted in a 20 minute production break. She did … Continue Reading ››