STLV The Next Generation 30th Anniversary Panel – New revelations!

Normally at events we're screaming at the alarm clock at 6 am but Fedcon is chill! After a nice lay in we head to the LeVar Burton talk. All Trekkie have one thing on their mind at the moment - Star Trek Discovery and a lot of questions relate to it. LeVar was very open to working on the series.
https://twitter.com/TrekkieGirls/status/870945337137090561After listening to LeVar speak for a while he seemed to remind us more and more of Geordi La Forge. He has that same calming sensitivity, intellect and optimism. So Sam decided to ask him he felt he had the closest personality to his character out of all the TNG cast. LeVar agreed although also felt Patrick Stewart was close with Picard and quipped "Patrick could be grumpy … Continue Reading ››