We had the absolute pleasure of talking to Marina Sirtis at the Sci-Fi Ball in February 2020.
We discuss Star Trek Picard, Marina's West End debut and how things have changed in Hollywood.
We had the absolute pleasure of talking to Marina Sirtis at the Sci-Fi Ball in February 2020.
We discuss Star Trek Picard, Marina's West End debut and how things have changed in Hollywood.
In December last year we learned that Marina Sirtis aka Deanna Troi would be making her West End debut at Trafalgar Studios. The show wouldn't be running for long (it's final performance is the 3rd August).
There was a huge amount of hype in the run up from the incredibly passionate and enthusiastic team made up of Andrew Keates (Director), Jamie Chapman Dixon and Piers Cottee-Jones (Producers) who went up and down the country, across convention halls to promote this play.
So we were pretty fast to book the moment the tickets had gone on sale. Had we waited just a few days we would have have purchased through the crowdfunding site but alas we had already committed a weekend and made an away mission out of it.
The highly anticipated TNG 30th anniversary panel on Friday night was undoubtedly the jewel in the Sacred Chalice of Rixx for Star Trek Las Vegas. It boasted a full lineup of The Next Generation crew which ALMOST happened, except Jonathan Frakes' flight got cancelled due to weather. It would have been Frakes.
Nonetheless, John de Lancie and Denise Crosby stepped up to step in, and honestly I think that's the last we heard of them all night!
They start by sharing their stories of conversations with Gene Roddenberry. For example LeVar Burton once asked him why Geordi was blind, surely by the 24th Century they would have cured blindness and they'd be no need for a VISOR?
Gene's response was "How do you know your sight isn't considered better?"
The same was true with Data's skin colour and Picard's baldness. We were getting hung up on 20th Century standards … Continue Reading ››
Friday at STLV was an intensive panel day for me. I didn't intend it to be, but I found it hard to resist.
Today began (for me anyway) with the Women in Star Trek Panel with Jarrah Hodge (from Woman at Warp podcast), Dr Kayla Iacovino (Vulcanologist and editor TrekMovie.com), Lucia Lorenzo (literary scholar and cultural critic), Gates McFadden (Dr Crusher) and Aliza Pearl (actress, writer).
The panel starts by introducing the panelists and discussing who was their Star Trek inspiration. Unsuprisingly, Beverly Crusher was top. Particularly for Kayla who is a scientist herself.
The woman-after-my-own-heart was Lucia who cited Lwaxana Troi as her inspiration for all the same reasons Lwaxana is my favourite.That she is a flamboyant, outspoken, fabulous woman who is fearless and defiant. Yep, I want to be Lwaxana Troi when I grow up.
The key message was … Continue Reading ››
Our day started by returning to our hotel at 4am for a brief sleep before finding ourselves oddly still alive when we awoke a few hours later!
We ran to the Chase Masterson talk only to find she was in the small hall and it was full! We were denied! After Star Trek talks there was only one other thing we could think of; food and drink. We needed it like a Jem'Hadar needs Ketral White!
We went to the hotel buffett and here's something a bit odd about Fedcon, you need tokens to buy food!? So we went to buy tokens, but they didn't accept credit cards. So we went to the ATM machine. And you know what? It was out of order!
We walked bloody miles (actually 500 metres but with a hangover - that's an eternity!) to get cash. We found … Continue Reading ››
The first talk we attended was Fedcon's most favourite guest (as voted for by last years patrons) Marina Sirtis.
Marina can always deliver an entertaining talk and the audience hangs on to her every word. It didn't take long for her to get into politics!
Deanna Troi and Marina Sirtis is our favourite Juxtaposition. They are probably the most diametrically opposed personalities between an actor and her character. And we love them both!
We were there to bombard our twitter followers with every detail of our experience. Check out our top live tweets from the talk:
Marina also told Fedcon a hilarious story about how her temper got her onto the the TSA's flight watch list!
The opening ceremony was like most opening ceremonies at events, late to start but a great opportunity to see all the guests in one place. It also kick starts a … Continue Reading ››
Continuing our mission to attend the worlds best Star Trek events, the Trekkie Girls have locked their targets onto FedCon 26 which is being held in Bonn Germany 2nd – 5th June 2017.
There’s a stellar Trek lineup this year including LEVAR BURTON (Geordi La Forge), MICHAEL DORN (Worf), MARINA SIRTIS (Deanna Troi), GATES MCFADDEN (Beverly Crusher), CHASE MASTERSON (Leeta) JOHN DE LANCIE (Q) and COLM MEANEY (Miles O’Brien) . Also appearing are some great non-Trek Guests like Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman and David Hasslehoff!.
With so many Next Generation actors appearing, it looks the perfect place to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Star Trek The Next Generation.
The convention is located in the city of Bonn near Cologne-Bonn airport which boasts five direct flights to the UK. It is also an hour and half from the soon-to-be-opened official Star Trek Roller Coaster located at Movie Park Germany (unfortunately it doesn't look like it'll be open in time for … Continue Reading ››
Marina Sirtis is one of our absolute favourites on the show. The queen of Trek in our humble opinion.
So to celebrate Marina's birthday here are some of our favourite Deanna Troi moments:
I felt she got to show all sides of her character in the episode The High Ground. We got to see her as Counsellor, counselling Wesley for emotional support after Beverly was kidnapped. Then the negotiator, supporting Picard in conflict resolution. But I really liked how she sprung into action on the Bridge when Finn beams onto the bridge. Picard throws that awesome punch and Troi takes care of securing the ship and attending to officers. She showed real strength and courage in that episode.
Now Troi has got a lot of unnecessary flack in my opinion, ranging from her hairdo's to headaches. But one I strongly … Continue Reading ››