Tag Archives: Patrick Stewart

Star Trek Las Vegas – The Inner Light Panel

Saturday at Star Trek Las Vegas featured two of my personal favourite panels of the week. The Writers panel with Brannon Braga and Andre Bormanis and the Inner Light panel with Sir Patrick Stewart, Margot Rose (Eline) and Morgan Gendel (writer).
The Inner Light Panel
Most panels at conventions are actors coming on stage, cracking a few jokes and taking a bunch of Q&As from the audience. This panel was someone different. It was well moderated by Adam from Creation Entertainment and was an analysis/review of an episode hailed as one of the best Star Trek episodes of all time. In fact in a poll of favourite Star Trek episodes, Inner Light came second of ALL EPISODES EVER. (Poll by StarTrek.com) In case you have Bendii syndrome and have forgotten, The Inner Light is the episode where Picard is given the memories of an alien from a civilisation whose planet is dying. He lives a lifetime … Continue Reading ››

STLV The Next Generation 30th Anniversary Panel – New revelations!

STLV TNG 30 The highly anticipated TNG 30th anniversary panel on Friday night was undoubtedly the jewel in the Sacred Chalice of Rixx for Star Trek Las Vegas. It boasted a full lineup of The Next Generation crew which ALMOST happened, except Jonathan Frakes' flight got cancelled due to weather. It would have been Frakes. Nonetheless, John de Lancie and Denise Crosby stepped up to step in, and honestly I think that's the last we heard of them all night! https://twitter.com/TrekkieGirls/status/893649158736715776   They start by sharing their stories of conversations with Gene Roddenberry. For example LeVar Burton once asked him why Geordi was blind, surely by the 24th Century they would have cured blindness and they'd be no need for a VISOR? Gene's response was "How do you know your sight isn't considered better?" The same was true with Data's skin colour and Picard's baldness. We were getting hung up on 20th Century standards … Continue Reading ››

STLV Friday Panels

Friday at STLV was an intensive panel day for me. I didn't intend it to be, but I found it hard to resist.
Women In Star Trek
Today began (for me anyway) with the Women in Star Trek Panel with Jarrah Hodge (from Woman at Warp podcast), Dr Kayla Iacovino (Vulcanologist and editor TrekMovie.com), Lucia Lorenzo (literary scholar and cultural critic), Gates McFadden (Dr Crusher) and Aliza Pearl (actress, writer). The panel starts by introducing the panelists and discussing who was their Star Trek inspiration. Unsuprisingly, Beverly Crusher was top. Particularly for Kayla who is a scientist herself. The woman-after-my-own-heart was Lucia who cited Lwaxana Troi as her inspiration for all the same reasons Lwaxana is my favourite.That she is a flamboyant, outspoken, fabulous woman who is fearless and defiant. Yep, I want to be Lwaxana Troi when I grow up. The key message was … Continue Reading ››

Bonjour Mon Capitaine

It doesn't matter how many times we see Patrick Stewart, he always delivers something fresh, new and interesting. This is true of the questions fans ask him, most were orientated towards his overall career and interests rather than focusing on just his time in Star Trek.
When asked about his opinion on a possible TNG Prequel he responded that it simply couldn't work because of Data, he was never a boy!
But it's only impossible until its not eh?
Patrick spoke about the comparison between working on Shakespearian plays and Star Trek and they were remarkably similar, strange language, funny costumes with tights, a stage with side exits and a throne. We hasten to add randy men with beards.
Marc Alaimo said something similar in one of … Continue Reading ››