Exploring the venue at STLV is fairly straight forward. BUT HUGE! The main theatre is HUGE. The vendors room is HUGE. Even the small stage is rather big.
New this year was the 10 Forward set.

After the morning I had getting to STLV I was ready to slump myself over that bar and down a Samarian Sunset or six.
What Creation Entertainment do very well is frame their prop sets. 10 Forward was in a room dedicated to showcasing items for the TNG 30 year anniversary exhibit. (see more photos in gallery below).
The rooms that holds the TOS bridge has an ambience fitting of a sacred place...which it is. They have music and shmoozy lighting which shows of the colours of the set.
There are a huge number of vendors as always at STLV. The most popular …
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24th Century Socialites. 21st Century high functioning nerds. We go to Star Trek Conventions and talk about Star Trek a lot.