We just sat in the TNG press conference with Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, Marina Sirtis and gates McFadden
It was a bit tough at first as no press were asking questions which is the opposite to when fans are present so we thought we’d get the ball rolling by asking he first question. So we asked if they had seen the Enterprise bridge yet. Marina with her brilliant British humour informed us that she used to work on the real Enterprise bridge so no big whoop!
A slightly more serious question about why the TNG crew got along so famously, Marina spoke about how rare it is for Hollywood but it was luck and chemistry and trickled through the cast. But Patrick Stewart was a serious actor, something that took 6 months to break! Then he was the ring leader!
If they could go back to the TNG days, what would they do?
Gates redcorate the bridge!
Marina would like to go back to the episode Disaste. She was miffed as to how little Troi knew and asked “didn’t I go to Starfleet academy?” But Frakes told her she was getting her legs waxed that day. So she’d like to be captain for a day and have Partick Steward give her advice all day which shed promptly ignore.
LeVar would like Geordi to have a successful date
And Dorn would like to have made out with Troi Klingon style!