Friday at STLV was an intensive panel day for me. I didn't intend it to be, but I found it hard to resist.
Women In Star Trek
Today began (for me anyway) with the Women in Star Trek Panel with Jarrah Hodge (from
Woman at Warp podcast), Dr Kayla Iacovino (Vulcanologist and editor, Lucia Lorenzo (literary scholar and cultural critic), Gates McFadden (Dr Crusher) and Aliza Pearl (actress, writer).

The panel starts by introducing the panelists and discussing who was their Star Trek inspiration. Unsuprisingly, Beverly Crusher was top. Particularly for Kayla who is a scientist herself.
The woman-after-my-own-heart was Lucia who cited Lwaxana Troi as her inspiration for all the same reasons Lwaxana is my favourite.That she is a flamboyant, outspoken, fabulous woman who is fearless and defiant. Yep, I want to be Lwaxana Troi when I grow up.
The key message was …
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