UK Star Trek Bloggers Chat – Thursday 6th April
Tomorrow you can watch us live on a UK Trekkie Bloggers conflab thing! Join us at 20:00 GMT to watch this subspace show!
Watch Now:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZlpqn7TPLA&w=560&h=315]
Set up by our mate Dan from The Trekkies Guide To The Galaxy we'll be joining him, B Jones from SFB Events (The Trekologist), James Dillon - the illustrious Captain of the USS Riker's Beard and Liam Dillon - From the exemplary Facebook Star Trek Costuming group.
We'll be discussing a range of issues surrounding Star Trek and giving our opinions!
As a special treat, Dan is giving away two signed pictures of Vaughn Armstrong to the person who asks the best question! (Hoping it will be us!)
With such exciting news about Star Trek Discovery just announced we can't wait to have a conflab with fellow Trekkies to delve into the nitty gritty speculation