Tomorrow you can watch us live on a UK Trekkie Bloggers conflab thing! Join us at 20:00 GMT to watch this subspace show!
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Set up by our mate Dan from The Trekkies Guide To The Galaxy we'll be joining him, B Jones from SFB Events (The Trekologist), James Dillon - the illustrious Captain of the USS Riker's Beard and Liam Dillon - From the exemplary Facebook Star Trek Costuming group.
We'll be discussing a range of issues surrounding Star Trek and giving our opinions!
As a special treat, Dan is giving away two signed pictures of Vaughn Armstrong to the person who asks the best question! (Hoping it will be us!)
With such exciting news about Star Trek Discovery just announced we can't wait to have a conflab with fellow Trekkies to delve into the nitty gritty speculation
Late night early morning. That's how we roll at DST. We are still a bit green in places from yesterday's Orion look but we head straight to the Excelsior stage where we are hosting our second Cosplay panel with the wonderful Misty Chance (drag queen and Star Trek cosplayer) and Liam Dillon, Star Trek fan and Facebook costume group.
Cosplay Panel
In this panel we highlight the connection between cosplay (grown up talk for fancy dress) and Star Trek. What we discovered is that there is a close link between the two. Cosplay originated at Star Trek conventions (contrary to popular belief that it stemmed from manga/anime and Japanese culture).
We asked each panellist and the audience why they choose to dress up as Star Trek characters and we found and wide array of answers. For Liam, it is a … Continue Reading ››
The weekend 5th-7th February 2016 marked the 22nd SF Ball at the familiar venue of the Grand Harbour Hotel, Southampton. Guests of "Trek interest” were Casey Biggs and Vaughn Armstrong of the incredible Enterprise Blues Band, and Dominic Keating and Connor Trinneer of Enterprise fame.
Unfortunately we were a Trekkie Girl down as Sam had been hospitalised with suspected appendicitis! But the show had to go on, so Carole and I hot-footed it over to Southampton!
A beautiful sight to behold, the ever-expanding bridge of the USS Riker’s Beard welcomed us aboard – we even met their Captain – as well as the lovely guys from the Manchester based USS Phoenix.
As ever the atmosphere was electric, and the costumes were top-notch! In particular the three Daleks were absolutely faultless and quite frankly scared the bejeezus out of me! Clearly Carole … Continue Reading ››
If you haven't heard of the USS Riker's Beard then shame on you and on your hoooouuuuse!
The good crew of the USS Riker's Beard are a group of Trekkies who met at the first Destination Star Trek London, all sharing the same hotel. The crew had brought with them the humble beginnings of their bridge set which has been slowly added to in the intervening years. Like all great crews they quickly built a strong rapport and meshed into one superb unit.
At the first DSTL the Riker’s Beard was simply then named the USS Customs House after their hotel. They later changed to the current name a name eponymous with all things great about science fiction generally in honour of the mighty hirsute one. The crew then started to build their ship from the inside out!
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24th Century Socialites. 21st Century high functioning nerds. We go to Star Trek Conventions and talk about Star Trek a lot.