Category Archives: The Trek Life

Oh What A Night!

Where to begin… It all seems like the most amazing, surreal dream now, but Friday 18th May 2016 is firmly cemented as one of the best moments of my life. beyond-contest-poster The event itself was shrouded in mystery. There had been much discussion as to what had prompted such an out-of-the-blue “fan event”. Was it the somewhat lukewarm, “it’s-Star-Trek-does-Fast-and-Furious” reception to the first trailer. Or could it be the discontent at there being no new trailer at CinemaCon, in Vegas? Whatever their motivation, we headed over to the Paramount Lot with a feeling of hugely excited trepidation. Whatever happened, we were in LA, at a once-in-a-lifetime Star Trek event, and we were sure as hell going to enjoy it! And enjoy it we did. Paramount pulled out all of the stops, this event was epic on every scale! First things first though, making our own way over to Paramount, we … Continue Reading ››

Things like this never happen to me…

“We HAVE to enter this competition” Sam said.


“Yeah, sure! I’ll record a video, making a complete TiT of myself (see what I did there?!), and upload it to tinterweb for the whole wide world to see…” – the things we do for our friends huh?! Truthfully, I have a reputation for being a little bit of a flake. I 100% MEAN to do these things, but then life gets in the way, or I forget, or I just never get around to doing them. However, I also HATE letting people down, and this meant a lot to Sam, so I WAS going to do it for her! Never in a million years did I think I’d WIN the bloomin’ thing!!! And a “Grand Prize Winner” at that: 2 return flights to LA, hotel accommodation for 2 for two nights, and entry to the "Star Trek Beyond" Fan … Continue Reading ››

New series rumours. Pre TNG and Prime?

Rumours are floating around about the new #StarTrek series today. Pre-TNG and Prime universe perhaps? Well according to Birth.Movies.Death  who has 'heard rumours'! Now let's start by establishing, this is a rumour. There's no official word and we don't accept anything as truth until it's been been announced by But for fun, let's explore this one for a minute.
  • Set in the Prime Universe
  • Set between The Undiscovered Country and The Next Generation.
The events of The Undiscovered Country occurred in 2293 and The Enterprise D was commissioned in 2364. So that's 71 years they have to play with. What an amazing place to start! There's many loose ends here and room to explore. Let's start with Praxis. How did the empire sort that one out? It could tie in with Worf's origins on Khitomer and what happened to his Grandad who represented Kirk and McCoy? Tuvok would also be … Continue Reading ››


So, as any good TiTtie will know, I already covered the first episode of Season 4 in Pt 2 of my Season 3 review (it seemed only fitting that TBOBW should have a review all of its very own?!).

The bar was raised extremely high with Season 3, concluding in that EPIC two-part finale! It quite literally blew Seasons 1 & 2 completely out of the water. As a result, I was (ashamed to admit) a little worried that Season 4 may be somewhat of an anti-climax. I mean, how could they possibly top THAT? What if TNG was one of those shows that went on a season or two past its peak? I had faith, because I know there is a lot of love out there for TNG and had it not been a success, it would never have spawned a hugely lucrative movie franchise, as well as subsequent hit series DS9, Voyager, Enterprise … Continue Reading ››

MAC Cosmetics Trek Inspired Collection

Load credit card and prepare to fire glitter! We are LOVING this! MAC Cosmetics and Star Trek are going on a joint mission to create a Trek inspired collection. As MAC enthusiast myself I think this is a perfect collaboration. Why? MAC has a culture of acceptance. It's ethos is to celebrate diversity and it's own words "we are for All Ages, All Races, All Sexes." They have taken the 'all races' part literally this time as their collection boasts Orion, Betazoid, Borg and Human influences as this image/advert indicates.
Guessing they didn't want to pay Jeri, Marina and Nichelle for use of their image!
The irony is, the day before this was announced we were on the MAC Cosmetics site eyeing up their body paints for our Orion Slave Cosplay we are hoping to achieve at the Star Trek Las Vegas and Destination … Continue Reading ››


We have a lot of fun doing our blogging thing at Trekkie Girls but we'd love some feedback. Is there something you'd like to see more of? Let us know! Or leave a comment if there's something we haven't included. [polldaddy poll=9366486] You may select up to three answers.

DSTE – first guests announced

Our dear Captain Kirk reported the correct information. The 50th anniversary celebrations will be held at the Birmingham NEC. 7-9th October 2016. With William Shatner headlining (who else!?) the prelimenary guest list looks well on its way towards a starstudded event. web-logo-v6.jpg Walter Keonig (Chekov), Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi), Jonathan Frakes (Will Riker - probably best to announce two weeks before the show!), Terry Farrell (Jadzia Dax), Nicole de Boer (Ezri Dax), Alexander Siddig (Julian Bashir), Christopher Lloyd (Commander Kruge).  Plus more to be announced. From reading the press release it sounds like they have taken the best bits from the previous shows and made them bigger! The Enterprise D bridge will be there of course, and it looks like Martin Netters 1701 bridge may also feature. (This was at the 2012 event too). Then there is the Klingon Bird of Prey! Our listening devices along the neutral zone have told us that … Continue Reading ››

Destination Star Trek Europe – What we know so far

This weekend, we sat down to film our latest Trekkie Girls vBlog to record our reaction to the exciting news that Destination Star Trek is coming back to celebrate the 50th anniversary. At the time, we knew it was going to be held 7-9th October 2016 at a UK location. This was all specified in an email and the Destination Star Trek landing page which told us to wait until 2nd February to receive more details including exact location, first guests announcement and ticket sales. But then things got exciting. Just before filming, William Shatner tweeted this gem! Screen Shot 2016-01-31 at 19.28.14.png Not only does he give away the location, but he confirms his attendance! woohoo! Screen Shot 2016-01-31 at 19.26.54.pngScreen Shot 2016-01-31 at 19.27.55.png But there's still lots to look forward to with … Continue Reading ››

Portal 47 with Larry Nemecek

A couple of months ago we were teased with a new project called 'Portal 47' from "The universe's renowned authority" on all things Star Trek, Larry "Dr. Trek" Nemecek. 11855879_1496528707325010_6387179218097844395_n Portal 47 is now up and running and sounds amazing! It comes across as a virtual convention. If anyone has been to one of Larry's talks or stall at a convention you will know he is a wealth of knowledge with memories, archives and friends from all series.
"Portal 47 may not be for all Trek fans but if you crave a new way to get a virtual backstage pass and hear from new voices of people who were there, like a min-con package all year long no matter where you live... Then beam aboard and deep-dive through the Portal with us!" - Larry Nemecek
But why wait to go to a convention to get … Continue Reading ››

USS Riker’s Beard Recuiting Now!

If you haven't heard of the USS Riker's Beard then shame on you and on your hoooouuuuse! The good crew of the USS Riker's Beard are a group of Trekkies who met at the first Destination Star Trek London, all sharing the same hotel. The crew had brought with them the humble beginnings of their bridge set which has been slowly added to in the intervening years. Like all great crews they quickly built a strong rapport and meshed into one superb unit. Photo 07-02-2015 12 20 45 At the first DSTL the Riker’s Beard was simply then named the USS Customs House after their hotel. They later changed to the current name a name eponymous with all things great about science fiction generally in honour of the mighty hirsute one. The crew then started to build their ship from the inside out! samsarahContinue Reading ››