See all our Fedcon Posts
Highlights from Day 2 continued.
Colm Meaney
Colm was the final guest to take to the stage on day 2 of Fedcon. Here are our top highlights from his talk:
The highlight of Colm's talk (possibly weekend) was when he sang Minstrel Boy from TNG The Wounded:
The Evening
There aren't themed parties as such at Fedcon like there are at Star Trek Las Vegas or Destination Star Trek but that's because it's one long party! They have a pop up 'Romulan pub' bar. A dancefloor and a DJ adjacent to the Klingon Bar (our favourite). Don't worry, the dance floor served as a neutral zone between the respective Klingon and Romulan Bars!
When the panels finished we felt it was a good time to sample the local Romulan Ale. All conventions have their own style and we're sure shares in Blue Curaçao rise whenever thousands …
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Continuing our mission to attend the worlds best Star Trek events, the Trekkie Girls have locked their targets onto FedCon 26 which is being held in Bonn Germany
2nd – 5th June 2017.
There’s a stellar Trek lineup this year including LEVAR BURTON (Geordi La Forge), MICHAEL DORN (Worf), MARINA SIRTIS (Deanna Troi), GATES MCFADDEN (Beverly Crusher), CHASE MASTERSON (Leeta) JOHN DE LANCIE (Q) and COLM MEANEY (Miles O’Brien) . Also appearing are some great non-Trek Guests like Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman and David Hasslehoff!.
With so many Next Generation actors appearing, it looks the perfect place to celebrate the 30
th Anniversary of Star Trek The Next Generation.
The convention is located in the city of Bonn near Cologne-Bonn airport which boasts five direct flights to the UK. It is also an hour and half from the soon-to-be-opened official Star Trek Roller Coaster located at Movie Park Germany (unfortunately it doesn't look like it'll be open in time for …
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So, I embarked on my TNG Season 2 quest with marked trepidation. My head had been filled with somewhat negative thoughts (“Dr Crusher isn’t in it”; “just get through it – it gets WAY better mid-Season 3”), so my expectations admittedly weren’t very high. At least it’s only a short season of just 22 episodes I thought to myself (thanks to a writer’s strike I’m reliably informed). Well, I have to say I was quite pleasantly surprised…
Right, first things first, let’s just get this one out of the way: Pulaski. The Star Trek equivalent of Marmite.

I have to admit, I disliked her immensely from the very beginning (hate is a strong word), and although I had somewhat warmed to her by the time we got to the likes of “Pen Pals” and “Samaritan Snare” (where she had begun to show an iota of compassion), I …
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24th Century Socialites. 21st Century high functioning nerds. We go to Star Trek Conventions and talk about Star Trek a lot.