Compare the Meerkat fans?
I'll admit to buying my car insurance through Compare The Market just to get one of their cute Meerkat cuddly toys. For your Meerkat crazed star trek fan you have to check out these adorable little fellas.
These are knitted to order and I personally love Worf and Locutus.
For your slightly slutty friend
T’Pol the most emotional character?
I do like T'Pol and I instantly loved Jolene Blalock when I first heard her at a convention but what was with T'Pol!?
Honestly, she could make Counsellor Troi look like an emotionless Android. I know they have deep strong emotions but she would get teary eyed over the smallest thing.
I quite like the banter you can get with Vulcans, it verges on teasing but its great when they break character a little. Like when Neelix tries to get a little smile out of Tuvok or Bones gets rattled with Spock. But if I were T'Pols friend I would tread on egg shells around her.
I think somewhere down the line she must have a bit of Klingon in her. (Ohhh my!)
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Starfleet Klingon Banquet + John Carrigan Interview
As we have mentioned in our previous videos, we attended the 4.5th annual Starfleet/Klingon Banquet in Northampton.
This spectacular event was put on by the crew of Starbase 24 and a big thanks has to go to Kehlan for the amount of hard work she puts into these events.
Since starting the banquets in 2005 over £8500 has been raised for Macmillan Cancer support....damn Trekkies are awesome!
The night was made even more special by two surprise marriage proposals and a few birthdays!
This was the first banquet to be held at the Northampton Park Inn, previous ones were held at the Milton Keynes Holiday Inn but we were very pleased with the new location. Although there was … Continue Reading ››
Make it Sew, Part Two
Captains log, supplementary.
Continuing the mission of making a TNG skant. I decided to cheat a little, Kirk style. Rather than make the skant I adapted the pattern to make the shell of the dress. This would have the greater chance of success....
Make it Sew, Part One
As you know, we normally spend our weekend in the Mud Baths of Shiralea VI, or under the twin Suns of Risa but this weekend we ventured north of the Thames and boldly went to Northampton.
For it was that time of year again, the Klingon Starfleet Banquet as hosted by Starbase 24. This was their 4.5th event which they hold to raise money for the cancer charity Macmillan.
What better way could we raise money for charity by dressing up, celebrating Gene Roddenberry's vision for the future by giving some of our money to help us achieve that vision.
Preparing for this event was no easy task though so we got all Garak-like and took to our sewing machines! Check out our special Make-It-Sew episode of Trekkies Girls.
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Talking about Larry’s Pendulum
I'm glad he raised this....ohhh my!
In case you don't know what we're talking about, you really should be reading everything Larry Nemecek has to say about anything by way of Star Trek decree: TrekLand Supplemental
This is our take on Larry' question "Is TNG due for a Comeback?"
Now as we have mentioned we were TNG fans first, born into that time line so grew up watching it. We can now appreciate TOS and love the "Retro" look of the show but we confess to being those viewers who as kids would have scoffed at the MDF sets and Christmas lighting effects.
When talking to our TiT (Trekkie In Training) Sarah, we asked her how she was getting on with watching TNG and she said "yeah … Continue Reading ››
Episode Four – Delta Quadrant and Deathstars
Carole and Sam start by discussing Voyager, the merging of the two crews but then go on to defend the USS Enterprise 1701-D 's honour in the Star Trek V Star Wars debate. The 'D' is an awesome ship and the Trekkie Girls will tell you why....
Happy Birthday!
Today TNG turns 24!! (since it debuted) which coming from a pair at the grand old age of 29 it doesn't seem that old. However upon hearing that Enterprise turned 10 years old on the 26th....What The Spock!? Is there a rip in the space time continuum??
I suppose the difference is that I don't remember TNG starting...its always just existed right!? The Original Series or Q?
I remember each of the others starting though and hearing that the 'newest' incarnation is now 'old' makes me feel a little more mortal.
Enterprise turned out to be an excellent series though, cut waaaaay before her time. Shame on you TV execs (bunch of Ferengi).
Once we have assimilated the world into Trekkies we are looking at having an advanced programme … Continue Reading ››
Episode 3 – Crushes and Crusher
The Trekkie Girls reveal their not-so-obvious Star Trek crushes and they put their Trekkie In Training through the ultimate Kobayashi Maru test.
The Neutral Zone
The first one is Dirty, the second is good for a one night stand and the third will last you allllll night.
Being Trekkie Girls, we had no dates on Friday night so instead decided to hangout in The Neutral Zone and create the perfect Romulan Ale. We have heard of many concoctions but ironically some of the ingrediants for the official version are illegal in the UK!
There was a difference in opinion over which one was the nicest and which one tasted most like Romulan Ale. We can't remember what's in the first one - probably everything...and that's why we can't remember! The second one is Absolut Citron (that's Vodka, not a make of car), Grape Juice, … Continue Reading ››