Star Trek Las Vegas is now 8 days, 20 hours, 35 minutes and 40 seconds away! (And we're not adjusting for the time zone difference - we're not Data!).
We are all very lucky Trekkies because we are being graced with the largest ever Star Trek Discovery guest count at a Star Trek Convention!
Here is the list of DSC guests:
Sonequa Martin-Green (Burham)
Doug Jones (Saru)
Mary Wiseman (Tilly)
Anthony Rapp (Stamets)
Shazad Latif (Tyler/Voq)
Anson Mount (Pike)
Mary Chieffo (L'Rell)
Jason Isaacs (Lorca)
Wilson Cruz (Culber)
Rainn Wilson (Mudd)
James Frain (Sarek)
Jayne Brook (Admiral Cornwell)
Sam Vartholomeos (Connor)
Emily Coutts (Detmer)
Sara Mitch (Airiam)
Oyin Oladejo (Owosekun)
Kenneth Mitchell (Kol)
And the all important behind-the scenes people:
Gersha Phillips (Costume Designer)
Neville Page (Creature and Concept designer)
Glenn Hetrick (Make Up and effects designer).
So almost everyone from Discovery will be there! Good job it's a big stage!
San Diego Comic Con Discovery Season 2 News.
Star Trek once again took the spotlight at SDCC. We hope the Mirror Universe exhibition which was displayed will be able to … Continue Reading ››
The Trekkie Girls are at Fedcon for a second day, attending talks, visiting dealer stands and getting merry with fellow trekkies!
See our first impressions here
LeVar Burton
Normally at events we're screaming at the alarm clock at 6 am but Fedcon is chill! After a nice lay in we head to the LeVar Burton talk. All Trekkie have one thing on their mind at the moment - Star Trek Discovery and a lot of questions relate to it. LeVar was very open to working on the series.
After listening to LeVar speak for a while he seemed to remind us more and more of Geordi La Forge. He has that same calming sensitivity, intellect and optimism. So Sam decided to ask him he felt he had the closest personality to his character out of all the TNG cast. LeVar agreed although also felt Patrick Stewart was close with Picard and quipped "Patrick could be grumpy … Continue Reading ››
Saturday had an intensive schedule which was difficult for us because we had not got very much sleep! See our last post for more details
The Women in Star Trek panel was one we were keen to attend as we greatly admire all the panelists that consisted of; Kate Mulgrew, Mary Czerwinksi (Glue Guns and Phasers), Bjo Trimble (from saving Star Trek fame), Dr Kayla Iacovino (, Jarrah Hodge (Women at Warp) and Amy Imhoff (Shoes and Starships). They each spoke about how Star Trek had inspired feminism and their own personal choices with the biggest laugh going to Kayla who is an actual ‘Vulcanologist’.
Bjo Trimble is already a woman we look up to but this panel inspired us even more. She talked about being the 'little house wife who spoke out'. She mentioned that when she … Continue Reading ››
24th Century Socialites. 21st Century high functioning nerds. We go to Star Trek Conventions and talk about Star Trek a lot.